Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???

Howdy folks-

I’m really enjoying my current set up and return to 2.1 channel listening and Home Theater. Here’s what I’ve got:

-Mc402 Amp
-Anthem Mrx 520
-Oppo 103 Bdp with Scott Nixon tube dac
-Mac Mini with a Scott Nixon Usb tube dac
-Audience and Wireworld cables
-Tekton Electron speakers

I’d like to introduce vinyl to my evening listening pleasure. Any recommendations for a turntable (including arm, cartridge, etc) under $2000? Is this a reasonable figure? I have no clue when it comes to turntables so any advice given is surely appreciated.



A couple MC’s and MM’s would be nice to have regardless.

This is the answer to your question. You have a nice tunrtable, but i have no idea about the "sound" of your system and all those mentioned components, but i know for sure that different cartridges is what each of us should try. Since you already have a modern cartridge, you have to check the vintage classics to understand why that classics is so highly regarded today. For you Technics tonearm you need a mid of high compliance cartridges, definitely not low compliance. The compliance figure must be about 15cu @100Hz (Japanese system) or 30cu @10Hz (Rest of the world). Actually Japanese 15cu (measured at 100Hz) is equal to 30cu (measured at 10Hz in the rest of the world).

Some cartridges that most likely can blow you away are as follows: Victor X-1II, AT-ML170, Stanton SC-100 WOS and probably the Grace F9E (or higher). They are all Moving Magnet and works fine with your arm and phono stage. If you need help to find any of them let me know in PM, i have some spares.  

Recently i have checked Dynavector KARAT 23RS MR on Technics toneam/turntable and i was very impressed! I would recommend KARAT with its short Ruby cantilever for your tonearm/turntable. My JLTi phono stage was nice for this cartridge, loaded at 220 Ohm in my system. For more info about Dyna you can check my thread: 
Excellent @chakster  I appreciate you chiming in. There's nothing wrong with having a half dozen or even a baker's dozen lot of carts I gather. Change em out when you like. I'll look into these, thanks again. 

@orpheus10  maybe I misunderstood your comment but I already have my table. (2 months now) 

There are many factors for a "great" sounding table; scrutinizing adjustments is one of them.

The most important factor is the cartridge for you; initially you should buy the cheaper cartridges, and when you like one brand over another, buy one in the vicinity of 1k in that brand; this is for a long time, you won't regret it. Cartridges in the vicinity of 1K are very competitive, meaning they're all good, but in different ways.

I have a Grado Master, it's for jazz and female vocal, not for rock. Experiment as much as possible.

This is a good table, tweaks and the right cartridge can make it a great table; I have one that's tweaked out and it really sings; sounds better than class A digital.
@knollbrent in my opinion, your system looks really good.

It's a good thing to love the loudspeakers as much as you do.  I've also felt quite impressed by Piega.  They need some power, and of the solid state variety, which you have covered.  And as the MoFi cartridges are pretty new on the scene, and I've not heard them, I don't know their sonic character.

Nothing jumps out at me as anything I would change.  Asking you if you want to push things more to the liquid or engaging or some other side probably looks like the better question at this point.  If something jumps out that you have as a goal, maybe then folks can offer suggestions.  But you may already have found the right place for you