Is a Hydra the real deal? How do you know?

yeah, I know it sounds wierd. A friend of mine recently suggested one of the pieces in his system is a Hydra conditioner. . .and a valued item.

I'm not disagreeing with his information.... my question is this... "As the Shunyata Hydra's need to have a cable specially made to fit/operate the conditioner, and most folks choose to use one made by shunyata, how do you know if it's the conditioner or the power cord doing the job?

I spent some time recently asessing various power cords. Right off I saw the need to buy some adapters for the cords to decrease the wear and tear on my gear, and speed up the process (run in time of the cords). I put the cords + adapters onto some other gear in a secondary system... things changed sonically almost immediately... as it would have with use on my main system. No other items in the mix. Just the adapter, power cord, and the unit (s).

I'm wondering how one can determine the advantage of the hydra's if no cord - even a cheap one - comes supplied with the units? Apart from the ability to plug in more items than a single adapter gives... it just seems like a lot of money to spend for a multi outlet center..... if of course I was told wrong about the Hydras not being supplied with cords.... I apologize profusely. But a dealer told me Shunyata does not provide a cord with their conditioners.... it must be purchased separately. I guess he's correct as I see many questions about which cord for Hydras for either this or that applicaton... and that different Hydras' have different sonic attributes... Well how do you know if right off the bat you gotta add a Shunyata cord to it... Oh, by the way... I own a Shunyata Python VX, and I do dig it. ...just curious about adding a Hydra elsewhere in the system for one or two other pieces that are not 'conditioned'..

Thank you very much for your time.

>>>"Simply a broad staatement regarding Shunyata's propensity to grab as much as they can from the consumer."<<<

You are misinformed. Anyone that's ever taken the time to call and ask questions or have a dialogue knows we don't oversell_anything_. We don't need to. Quite the opposite is true, and remains a common business practice.Answering questions any way but honestly and with value in mind would reflect poorly on any company.

Your entire premise that we don't supply what's needed to operate a Hydra is mistaken. Had you taken the time to call or e-mail, we could have easily cleared this up. If we were out to "grab as much money as we can" we wouldn't have the reputation we've earned, which is anything but that of a money-grubbing company. I am disappointed you feel that way.

My apologies if the dealer did not offer you an option all our dealers should be aware of. If you e-mail me the dealers name, I can call to clear this up.

If any other questions come up, feel free to contact us directly.

Shunyata Research
01-21-06: Samuel

Just as an FYI. There is a quality 12 gauge 20A cord included with Hydras upon the customers request. All dealers should be aware of this and inform the customer.
Grant, thanks for this information. I mentioned your post to two friends who have purchased Hydra 2 conditioners within the past six months, and the availability of quality 20a cord with the Hydra was news to them. It certainly was never offered by their dealers.

Why is it the responsibility of a Shunyata customer to ask for a cord, rather than the cord being included with the conditioner? It seems to put the customer in a rather awkward position to have to go back to the dealer and request a cord.
FYI - I have been looking at the Hydra 2 for my front end, among others. Music Direct (No affiliation) mentions the complimentary "stock" cord on their website.

Maybe it should just be included in the package instead of having to be asked for???


That's a good question, and one we discussed internally at length after it became clear that there was a recurring problem when including an inexpensive PC with a Hydra 8. We initially included the Diamondback standard with Hydra 8's in '03, though it was a real stretch for us at the H8's retail price.

The problem was that many who bought the H8 had high current amps, multiple components, and were using heavy gauge AC cords to components. Some customers were buying a high-current capable power distribution package that included a smallish 12 gauge AC cord (DiamondBack) to the wall--often with 10 or heavier gauge AC cords to components.

Initially, the Hydras failed in some applications only because the cord to the wall from the H8 was the smallest gauge cord in the system, yet was responsible for 5-6-7-8 components worth of current.

We made the decision in late '03, when we started to introduce the less expensive models, to have the dealer offer stock, but encourage system matching based on the electronics, existing power cords and system make up.

In our opinion, putting stock PC's with the Hydra gives a Halcro/PASS/ Bryston/Classe'/Atmasphere/Lamm(example) owner the idea that a simple stock PC is adequate to drive a Hydra that powres an entire system, when in our opinion, it's not. A 12 gauge cord (20A) is technically capable, but not in terms of performance. Especially if there are heavier gauge, specialty cords going to components.

Bottom line? The PC that is chosen for a Hydra, or most any other power distributor (in our opinion) should be _AT LEAST_ the equal of the highest performing PC powering a component/s.

In some cases, a dealer that knows someone is using high-quality PC's to electronics may encourage a high-quality PC for the Hydra, whether ours or another. They should however, always make it understood that a 12 gauge Belden type cord is an option.


Shunyata Research
Grant, I understand Shunyata's reasoning, and I alluded to similar logic in my earlier post.

It's still not clear to me from your post what cord is included with a Hydra purchase (Shunyata brand or generic Belden 12 gauge), and if it's still the responsibility of the customer to request a cord.

It seems to be a policy that's in flux.