Is a Sonic Frontier Power 2 a "differential amp"

I googled this concept about differential amps and can't find aa answer. Is a Sonic Frontier Power 2 a differential amp?
The same gear is why I say you may not of had the synergy with the Sonic Frontier amp. It's that simple. I'm running a Meridian cd, Sonic Frontier Line 3 SE and Sonic Frontier Power 2 with upgraded tubes etc. with Audience cables into Harbeth speakers and think I'm in audio heaven. My initial post was because I have a Rel Strata iii hooked up by the specs from rel and was curious if this was correct because my research suggested I should have a hum coming from the sub if the amp was a differential and that the black wire fed to the left negative speaker location of the amp. This is how it was set up with no hum.
If you like it, that's all that matters. It sucked in my system.

Just sayin......

Chris Johnson responded by email, as he's done numerous times in communication exchanges, that the Sonic Frontier amp is a fully differential amp.