Is a transport/DAC combo better than a CD player

I have a Denon 2900 with a Musical Fidelity Trivista DAC and was going to buy a new transport for CD playback. However I keep hearing that many people are now saying that one box players are better than 2 box DAC combinations.

What do you prefer, single players or 2 box combos? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each set up? What are your recommendations for purchases in both categories (new and second hand)?

Thanks in Advance
Michael (Aka Dlite)
It depends of the units used...

Personnally I used a Hegel CDP2A itself and the sound is very nice. Great improvement over a Cairn FOG2 (24/192)

Now the CDP2A combined with a external dac HD10, the step is very very nice in all the way (soundstage, deep bass, fine details more perceptible, etc)

And with another quality power cable and digital cable to the dac, I got another step.

I am trying to test with another unit than the Hegel CDP2A, low costly cd player to see if it justify the cost of using the CDP2A cd player instead of a 1000-1500 range unit.

All depend of the units matching and cables used in my humble opinion.
it seems that this is a rhetorical question .

of course , it is possible that either separates will be preferred to a one box player or some one box player will be preferred to separates. there are many variables, taste being one of them.

my favorite digital source of all time is the naim cd x of 1994.
With separates, the addition of a digital cable introduces another headache in trying to find the perfect cable that will keep up with the dac.

Ebkesq posted in 2005 that DACs at that time have eliminated with jitter. It's 2011 now, and in my experience, when a DAC has a reclocker and buffer, that's just to not introduce any jitter into the system. The marketing department will claim zero jitter, but in reality if you feed the DAC a high jitter signal it will result in sound degradation/artifacts.
I have used players that beat combos, and combos that beat players. Much depends on the quality of the components and the cables used.

You do not necessarily need a high end transport to get extremely good results. You happen to have a player that I also own. I have used the 2900 with the Opamp enhanced Eastern Electric Minimax DAC (reviewed) and have had good enough results that to my ears it bests a few $1,500-5K players/combos and even beyond that I've compared directly.

Now, if the transport is upgraded, this also can be efficacious. I just this weekend have been listening to a player which I am considering buying. I have tried it last night as a transport to the EE DAC and it's a marked improvement, however it's also quite a bit more money than the 2900. I would not overweight the importance of either the transport or the DAC; both are critical to the sound of the digital media. You short one end of the combo and you'll pay by being shorted on the sound.

The digital cable is also of importance, but I certainly would not suggest it being more or less important than these other elements. The transport, digital cable and DAC are all critical to achieving the ultimate result - I've used multiples of all of them to arrive at that conclusion. It is very helpful to have on hand two or three digital cables/interconnects which can be used to experiment in finding a pleasing sound. I have found typically the AES/EBU link to be the best if available. Barring that the next best link would be the coax. digital (S/PDIF).

If you wish to discuss the use of the 2900 with the Minimax further feel free to email me.