is ayre qb-9 dac better than cx7e mp?

sorry if this has been discussed, i read review that said the dac sounds better cx7e mp, not sure if this is true, i like the ayre sound, and contemplating whether to get the dac+mac or the cdp.
The CX7e is a very good CD player, but still, it's a CD player... it has no chance to compete with something like a LINN DS.
05-31-12: Ptmconsulting
Is there a way to put someone on "auto-ignore" on these forums?
LOL! yeah Audiofreak32 is turning out to be a consumate a-hole.
he does not realize that the harder he peddles Linn DS the more people he is turning off...
And the more happy I will be listening to it while you are still in ignorant bliss with your outdated CD player.... tee he he.