Is Exemplar the answer?

I'm looking for the best red book source I can find at around $5000 or under. I came very close to buying an Esoteric DV50, but reconsidered after hearing about John Tucker's Exemplar Audio mod of the Denon 2900. Have you heard this player, and how would you compare it to the best red book sources you have heard. It's fine to have a player that will play every format known to man, and having a universal player is a nice bonus, but my cd collection is almost all red book, and I want to get the most from the titles I currently have.

I ordered mine one month ago and am still waiting. I'll let you know when i get it. Having a one box player with ability to play dvd's is perfect for my setup.
9 months? Why? I knew John was somewhat backed up, but I never of this long.

It is great not to have to deal with two units.
You should read the other Exemplar thread that by now is at a lower position in this forum. It has many respones about the Exemplar Denon. I have had mine for almost 2 months now and have about 250 hours on it. I am blown away by how good it is. It has steadily improved over the break-in period to the point where I can't imagine getting better sound than I heard last night listening to Bill Evan Sunday at the Village Vanguard SACD. I now spend all my time shopping for music.
Awe yes if you are in the Seattle area go to Premeir Audio and give Keith will give you a demo take a listen to the line stage at I beleive $2300 I could be a few hunderd off. All I can say it with the exempler line stage coupled with the modified denon runing through a pair of JM Lab BE edition it gave my bat vk-51se a run for its money I`m not going to tell you it sounded better I will tell for the price it`s not a bad buy plus it`s made up were I live in Everett Wa I was thinking of giving him a call to see if I could pick his brain. David
I can't tell you if exemplar is THE answer, I can say it is very good, and mine will hit my office in the am. with the siltech wiring. I also am waiting for Alex paychev to finish putting his new chip in my SACD 1000. Both units sound wonderful...And soon I will be able to compare. John is also sending me his new Pre-amp to check out. I have a feeling I will love it.