Is it bad to stack your equipment

Is it really bad to stack components on top of each other. I keep getting more and more multi box components like a DAC/CD and preamps that have clean/dirty box configurations. High end racks cost so much money it would seem I could save a lot of money by stacking some equipment.

If I had a $12K pre and some $20K sources, I wouldn't want to damage them either.
But at $900. sale price for my Adcom pre, and the under $1K prices of my other stuff... I am NOT WORRIED about the small ring markings on the tops (from rubber feet)
I DO keep my HOT HOT HOT amp, (a Forte 4a) away from the other stuff.. And my Audio Research PH-2 is at the top with extra spacing.
So my current rack is:
four shelf with sand in the metal frame and glass shelves dampened with rubber.
Bottom Shelf:
lower: Monster signature 7000 conditioner
upper: Sony 5 disc CD changer CDP9ES (to play for my pets all day while I am gone)
second from bottom:
Sony SCD777ES all by itself only because it is a top loader.
third from bottom:
lower: Adcom 700 DA converter on a cork mat
upper: on extra sorbothane footers Adcom Preamp
fourth from bottom:
lower: another Sony, 5 disc a SC? 333ES
upper: on extra feet: Audio Research PH-2
top glass plate covering rack has a lamp
My turntables are on other furniture.
And I just do not know where to put the Audio Research PH-1 I have too. (now it just sits under a table with one of the TT on it
If you're able to do easy woodwork consider building a diy Salamander clone rack. They easy to build if you're handy at all. The beauty though is that you can design it anyway you need and the shelves are always adjustable as equipment changes. Also they're very strong.

What Nrchy said above is a good reason to avoid stacking. Also the better you can get rid of the heat the more reliable your electronics will be assuming you keep them for years which many of us don't.
The answer is a resounding yes. Not just from a sonic stand point but heat is a silicon killer. There are multiple threads on heat and what it does to equipment or to leave it on or not to leave it on that you can research.

One big issue with stacking involves components with torroidal transformers inside. Those are the round donought things. Picture this and you'll understand:

A torroidal projects through the hole in its middle. Kind of like a javeline top and bottom through the hole, for quite a good distance actually. If the torroidal is lying flat, then anything stacked above or below it has this javeline like electro-magnetic projectile shooting through it.

Shielding helps, but doesn't necessarily get rid of all of it.
