Is it worth it to buy the Cable Cooker?

Have read some of the previous posts. Just wanted updates , as more people now seem to use it. Also anyone who has one in the NYC area please Email me. Thanks.
Thanks for the kind words guys. I do what i can, when i can.

What i have found is that if one shares honest opinions with any group of people, you are bound to step on someone's toes sooner or later. As such, i can see why some reviewers try to "soft shoe" the audience i.e. they don't want to alienate or offend someone based on their personal preferences. We ask for honest points of view and reviews yet when someone shares what is exactly on their mind and what they like, there are those that criticize those thoughts and cry "charlatan" simply because they don't see eye to eye on the subject.

With that in mind, I learned a long time ago that you gain nothing by being wishy-washy. I've also found that there are ways to make negative comments that get the message across without decapitating the person that you are communicating with. Nobody likes to be talked down to regardless of their position in life or for that matter, the gear that they own. As such, i try to keep that in mind but sometimes slip back into the "neanderthal" mode that dwells within.

The bottom line to me is to stick by your guns and be honest. You never have to go back and cover your ass if you speak the truth. Granted, there are ways to do so and not start a riot, but you'll always find opponents to the truth regardless of what the subject is. There would be nothing left to "cover up" if we used this approach and studied every subject with an open mind.

In the long run, some people might not like you for sharing your honest opinions. Those that know that you don't "pull punches" will come to know exactly what to expect out of you and respect you for your honesty. They might not always agree with you, but they will at least respect you as they know that you are not going to bullshit them. As such, i would rather have someone hate me for being honest than to have someone like me based on a bunch of lies. The earlier approach feels a lot more natural to me while the latter approach only seems to work for politicians : )

Take me or leave me, but at least you know exactly where i stand. Sean
Way to go Sean. I feel the same way. Sometimes(alot of times), I am highly opinionated about certain subjects, and speak my mind openly. As such, I also step on some toes, and get flamed. But, you are right. You would be doing everyone a dis-service to hold back some good info because you are afraid of someone taking offense. Speak your mind and let the chips fall where they may. Most members will realize that you are not puposely offending them. And sometimes a little shock will help them to re-think something that they really should be re-thinking. And even if you(or I) were to be wrong on some issue, nobody is perfect. And the members here will surely correct us if we do make a mistake.
If everything discussed here had to be a fact, or proven
by science, this board would be virtually blank. I like hearing people's observations. Its this "everything must be proven scientifically" that has turned Audio Review's cable board useless. If several people have success with a certain cable or process, sometimes its worth checking out. I may hear some improvement , or I may not. If 10 people posted , they tried it and heard no improvement, then I would dismiss it. So far I have not seen one post where someone said they "tried it" and heard no improvement. Bottom line is we look to this board for suggestions, we are free to try them or ignore them. Thanks to those who responded to the question, with first hand experience.
If you don't believe the cooker works, put your cables on it for week and listen. They will sound horrible until they settle back out. I am a believer.