Is it worth upgrading B&W DM303 to B&W CM2?

I currently have B&W DM303 and Cambridge Azur 640A V2 and 640C V2. I found an almost new pair of B&W CM2 at a good price. Like I said it in the title, is it worth upgrading DM303 to CM2? I mostly listen classical (chamber music 70% and all others 30%).

Thanks in advance.
Frankly and TRUTHFULLY most labs have gone BEZERK with all these letters and numbers. BAT, ARC, Spendor, Vandersteen etc etc etc. All are guilty of this nonsensical adding nubers and letters trying to impress and bamboozle the unsuspecting.

The audio world is a real joke these days.
Cayin. That's a funny soundin' name. Sounds like pepper. Hot-n-spicy pepper. Like Tabasco. I would never buy gear that's hot-n-spicy...or made by Tabasco. Cayin...what a silly, nonsensical name for an audio lab.

Cayin 17? Cayin keeps makin' the model number higher and higher. Couldn't they stop with Cayin 2, or is 17 hotter-n-spicier? Heck, anyone interested in hot-n-spicy Cayin products might as well wait for Cayin 50. Muy caliente!

And by the way, what's up with Tyler Taylo 7U? What kind of name is Taylo? And 7U? Might as well be 7X, or 7Z. What ever happened to Taylo 7A, 7B, 7C...? These knucklehead labs and their nonsensical model numbers.

And what about Jadis? What's up with DA50S, DA88S, DA30 (what, no "S"), Orchestra, and Orchestra Reference (can Orchestra Reference Royale be far behind). What's up with "DA"? What does DA50S have to do with anything? It's not 50wpc. It doesn't use 50 tubes, and it doesn't cost $50? Why can't they just call them Integrated Amplifiers 1, 2, 3 and 4? Those kooky French. Too many frog's legs I tell 'ya! They're all whacked in the noggin!

Hey! And how 'bout that berzerk Ford Motor Company with their Model A and Model T. Whatever happened to all the models in between? No Ford Model K that I can recall.

I'm with you, Bartokfan. All these companies are really playin' with our minds! I'd suggest wearing an aluminum foil helmet.