Is Monster cable getting better?

I don’t like monster cables in general and I know it has bad reputation(nothing but marketing) among audiophile & videophile. It is like bragging about your Bose system to people playing high end audio.

I don’t know why but not many high end cable company makes hdmi cable. So I picked up a Monster 1000HD hdmi at best buy and thought Monster is all about marketing and its performance would be easily surpassed by other cable company. I tried Audioquest hdmi3(not sure if it is genuine but bought from an A’gon member with 500+ positive feedback), bluejean, bettercable, monoprice… Monoprice has the worst performance but it only sell for $5. Some silver cables might render a little more detail than the Monster 1000HD, but the contrast and color and overall performance are still not as good as the Monster. The monster 1000HD looks very natural and smooth without loosing details.

I guess I am done with hdmi cable search and will stick with Monster for hdmi cable. Has anybody tried the Monster M2000 and is it much better than 1000HD? For audio cable I am using transparent and haven’t tried Monster yet. Maybe they are getting better, too.
In order for a cable to uniformly change a video stream that looks "better" or "worse", the random bit changes of every 10bit value would have to somehow decode to uniform changes in the resulting 8bit value. Chances of this happening - ZERO.
While it is indeed erroneous (or at least extremely imprecise) to characterize data errors in a digital transmission system (HDMI/DVI) in the same terms that we associate with an analog system (i.e. component or RGB video) . . . it's also important to understand that TMDS is no different than other digital modulation/encoding schemes in that in order for it to work properly and deliver uncorrupted data, certain electrical conditions must be adhered to in the cable and connection.

Electrically, HDMI uses multiple shielded twisted-pair cables within a single jacket, and supports a bandwidth of 350 MHz (HDMI 1.3). Main cable vulnerabilities include high differential skew between pairs, high crosstalk, incorrect impedance, and poor bandwidth . . . in addition to classic cable issues such as high ground resistance (causing hum components to be imposed on the data).

So in terms of cable quality, there may be any number of issues that may or may not surface for any given application. For instance, does it meet the same specs in all lengths for which it's available? Is the production consistent between different samples? Do the connectors mate securly and reliably with those of many other manufacturers? Does it maintain its performance in electrically noisy environments? When twisted and flexed? When it makes a small-radius bend behind a flat-panel TV?

As always, humans have an infinite capacity to cut corners and make things cheaper, and HDMI cables are no exception. For that 1-meter length that's easily accessed for replacement, a cheap one may suffice . . . but for a 40-foot run up through the walls and attic to a projector? Well, if you don't mind crawling up there to replace it if you start having problems, then maybe a cheap one there is fine as well . . .
I always found Monster cable to be too polite, when I listened in the past. I felt something was missing in the treble, sort of a rounding off of the high frequencies and loss of impact in the low bass.
Monster is a company of shall I say? a Questionable ethic. I wouldn't buy any monster product. First, I'm not convinced and second I can do just as well or better without supporting Noel Lee. Without spending a penny more.

After there Heavy-Handed go around with Blue Jeans, that was it.
Monster, in the early/mid 80's had the best single ended interconnect on the planet. It was the "Shotgun" design invented by Bruce Brisson, and Monster is still using it (as are a lot of other cable makers, because the patent has long ago expired.)

Bruce left Noel early in the game (I wonder why! ;--) to start MIT which he still owns. He developed many more patents, like the network box termination, which Monster and others cannot use. (Lots of folks put "me too" boxes on their cables but most are virtually empty ;--) He also designed the original Monster 'time coherent' speaker cable/wire -- you know, the stuff with the different sized, separately resin insulated strands of copper that forces all frequencies to get to the other end of the cable at the same time? You couldn't solder or terminate them unless you had a solder pot to burn of that insulation, which people used to unsuccessfully try to scape off with a knife!!

So in the beginning, Monster got very big, very fast, because Noel had the sole rights to Bruce's original patent; and thus, for awhile, had no competition. And Monster has been 'dining out' (or trying to) on that amazing initial success, ever since! They could have built on that success, even without Bruce's genius, by developing all kinds of new cable technology. But Noel was already so addicted to profits and marketing that he thought he could skip basic research. His high-end competition from that early time is still in business, and still very much respected (Kimber, Audioquest, Straightwire were basically 'it' other than Mogami in the pro audio/studio market.)
Kirkus, you are right on the money and thanks for adding that. I was ignoring the cable length and quality issues because trying to keep people from falling for the "voodoo" that's rampant with analog video and audio. Also, at one point in the "history" of HDMI/DVI all receivers and transmitters were not "equal". Some people with long connections would replace a source or target device and the connection would no longer work properly - no connection or sparklies. Although I haven't noticed this reported recently.

Getting back to Monster, their cables are usually well constructed and work - just way too high priced.
