Is no preamp really better that a good preamp?

Hi All, I have PS Audio gear, and both my DAC and my phono section have enough gain to run directly to the amp. Is this really the optimal arrangement, or might I actually get better sound by adding a good preamp, say a Cary or a Modwright tube unit, to the mix. Thanks in advance.
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Milpai, I have had a TVC using S&B transformers and now have an autoformer unit. As you know I am a fan of passive preamps in general and also own George's Lightspeed. They are all a bit finicky to work with but in the right system are great devices. I have been fortunate to have such a system.

However, a couple years ago I found the need for more gain in my system due to my increased use of analog vinyl and tape sources. So I turned to an active preamp for that purpose, and in my case one that is quite transparent. I still use my Lightspeed in a digital system I have set up, where it works flawlessly.
In Mr BHK's own words :-

"As obvious as it may seem, I would like to hear his take on why his preamp improves the sound in comparison to running the DS direct.  I know some still prefer a preamp, I personally don't, but there is some interaction going on that no one seems to clearly understand.  I know Paul had his socks knocked off in comparison to his reference preamp, but my socks are generally well attached and not subject to such easy removal.  In other words call me an agnostic waiting for the right explanation to shift me into belief." -Pmotz

"Hi Pmotz.
You bring up a good point and rather timely as I have been listening to my Direct Stream DAC direct into my power amp as I take my ptototype BHK Signature preamp (1 or 3) in and out of my system to go work on it in my lab.  The system without the preamp in it sounds very nice and acceptable but when the preamp is back in there is a very obvious increase in musicality, transient attack, spaciousness, and detail.  I am amazed and delighted with this creation.  But I must disappoint as I must be in the camp of those who cannot explain it. I just know what it does for my musical enjoyment and that, in the end, is where it is at for me." - BHK
"For myself if we have this kind of source with these types of problems that has a VC, I can't think of it being hi-end or been designed right, better to me to change it, mod it for something that is."

RMAF 2015 award for best DAC goes to....

....the PS Audio DS.