Is Sennheiser 600/650 an overkill ?


I am looking for a good headphone for my cube at work. It will be used to listen MP3 from my computers, which fairly new ones with P4 and Intel sound cards that come with the computer. Currently I am using a 'free' headphone that comes with a cheapo MP3 player, which sounds not too bad to me.

On Audiogon, a used Sennheiser 600 goes around $200 and 650 $380, which are not expensive at all to me. But my quesiton is are they too much for my application? If they are, what other models would you recommend?


from Bay Area,
600s for $200. Just get 'em! Their comfort level is worth it, even though your source isn't.
I don't know about others but I can only enjoy open backed headphones in a quiet environment. 600s and 580s don't sound so great when they're competing with a discussion in the cube next door. It was for that reason I suggested closed cans. Also having a reasonable pair of closed cans is perfect if you want to watch a DVD or listen to music at home without disturbing others, and without being disturbed. I only ever use open back cans when I'm in a quiet room, and where I'm not going to annoy anyone else with my second-hand music.

Hope you like the 280s Abe.
I've got the 600's running from a Musical Fidelity X-can and I only wish I paid a measly 200$ for them. They're great. On vinyl I like them better than my Revel studios. There's also a Cardas wire upgrade for the 600's. Anyone heard this?
I would reccommend the 600s to anyone interested in excellent headphones.They have serve me well for several years now. However, in my experience, they are very revealing of source and source material, and therefore not the ideal gear for every format. I think in your case they might be overkill, not only for your player but your music as well. You may have been wise to have gone with something a little more forgiving. However, if you also have a system at home either the 600s or 650 are an excellent upgrade, especially at the prices you can find them here.