Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it

I just installed Isoclean fuses in my Naim CD5x and Nait5i. I sort of felt like I was going to the fringe by installing these but keep in mind they are right in the AC path so it made sense to me after installing a dedicated line and an "audiophile grade" AC receptacle.

I tried Buss ceramic fuses beforehand and they were just slightly better than stock.

The Isocleans, however, definitely provided a noticeable improvement over stock or Buss ceramics. In a nutshell: smoother treble, a touch more overall resolution (especially in the mids and treble) and elimination of a bit of grain and veiling. Polarity does matter. I checked a few times to verify but arrow down for my equipment was more natural (less bright) than arrow up. You may prefer the other polarity, of course. Note that they didn't affect rhythm as many products do (especially a lot of isolation devices) nor did they add any brightness (at least in the polarity I prefer).

They're not cheap for what they are ($25 per fuse) but the improvement was definitely worth $50 total investment to me.
Bob-bundus, it is quite clear to many people that the earth is flat and they don't care what the textbooks may say. Just because the "model" that you have in your mind is clear and "explains" what you percieve, doesn't make it correct. If you perceive a difference when changing the direction of a fuse on an AC line, the reason is NOT because of the "directionality" of the current nor the direction of the fuse, since the fuse witnesses the current reversing at 60 times a second. The fuse does not experience any power transfer through it, however, so it doesn't know anything about that.
When the possible doesn't explain something, then one must look for the impossible for an explanation. Is it impossible that you imagine such differences. Now that would explain the perceived difference.
respectfully, Bob P.
Or it is possible that he and I hear the differences and no existing scientific measure can explain it. As I have suggested there is directionality to wire also and there is a draw direction of wire. Some manufacturers go to great means to assure the direction of the wire draw is that used consistently in their wire. Micro Omega is one such company. Perhaps there is a direction to the fuse conductive element.

One final suggestion. Since I suspect that you have failed to hear the direction of a fuse, or perhaps never even tried to do so, you may merely be imagining that you hear no differences.
Tbg, that's Omega Mikro, not Micro Omega, and if anyone canot tell the difference between their "red" and ""blue" power cords in any given circuit, the only answer is deafness or denial. And the only difference is the direction in which the the wire was drawn.
Greeni, as always YMMV applies, but I find none of the consensus you describe among my friends, most of whom do not post here.

I don't think that IsoClean is hardly unique in terms of what their home market prices are like relative to import pricing. Having a friend in Japan and another in Germany, I have repeatedly seen great price disparities. Part of this is transportation, duties, and profits for the importer/distributor.

Bear in mind that there are at least two other companies making audiophile fuses. Our experiences fall short of conclusive findings about which fuse is best across all systems and tastes. I am sure that other elements also interact with what we hear from fuses. Wall outlets, ac filtering, contact enhancements, the quality of component power supplies, and isolation all play a great role in what we hear.

Basically, forums can only serve the role of a heads up about personal experiences. I have never seen even a close approach to consensus here or on AudioAsylum on anything. I fact many would reject out-of-hand any possibility that fuses much less their direction could matter.
I have been following this and similar threads about which fuse is best, and most often feel I'm reading a re-run of power cables from five years ago. Of course fuses make a difference, as do other components we have not yet thought of. Both fuses are a great improvement from standard Radio Shack Littlefuse... Of course personal experiences will differ based on equipment used, power cords, dedicated circuit design, conditioners, outlets... Every step in the power supply chain has an effect, and the quantitative sum of these efforts will be the net result. Isoclean may better HF tuning or not. The argument is mute until you understand the entire chain of affecting components.

Why must we always be right?

How about this, fuses make a difference, it's logical and the degree of affect will vary so try both, and choose for yourself. They both cost $25-30, so they both have 1000x mark-up, so does everything audio!

What I would like to have discussed is the fact that Isoclean claims (in the owners manual) you will need to replace their fuse every six months due to degradation of the fuse. Is this true with HF Tuning literature too? Does this not concern anyone using Isoclean?