Isolation devices and CDPs

Do isolation devices really work under CDPs (I own an EAR Acute)? If so, which isolation devices work best? And how/why do they work?
A Gingko Cloud and VPI brick over the transport. I was thinking about a total resonance control package from GNSC but it would have voided the warranty.
Owning four Vibraplanes, I can testify that when properly set up, these babies really do the job. Have had these under my amps and sources for a decade and they work wonders. Use brass footers or cones between 'plane and equipment, although Golden Sound's feet supposedly are wonderful, too. The footer interface is up to you based on sonic preference. But as a platform, the Vibraplane is great for sucking up those unwanted vibrations from multiple sources. Remember: the 'plane eliminates both horizontal and vertical vibrational energy.
I wonder what is more important for the cdp, isolation of damping or both? I noticed that most devices are mainly focused on one or the other.
As always, the whole system is important; in this case, the subsystem. For example, the HRS components that I'm using deal with external structure vibration (M3 bases), internal component vibration (Nimbus products) and airborne vibration (Damping Plate).