Issues from using wrong spkr. termination

Sorry if this has been archived. But I recently obtained a pair of cables with spade terminations. However both my speaker and amp do not allow for such. In the meantime, I have placed one side of the spade into the clamp hole and tightened down. Obviously this is not the optimum, but is it worth the expense and hassle of finding new cables?

Many Thanks
There are lots of possibilities here. Changing the connectors on the wire, using an adaptor, changing the terminals on your amps and speakers or leaving things as they are.

What is the equipment you're running and what is the cable? This will help determine what's practical.
Will your speaker/amplifier accept a banana jack?
If so, I think Monster makes an adaptor for banana to spades. Your solution will not hurt but as you said, it is not optimum becasue you don't have much surface area to makes contact. Also, this arrangement will loosen up over time.
acquire solderless WBT bannanas from and re-terminate your speaker wires.