Jazz for aficionados

Jazz for aficionados

I'm going to review records in my collection, and you'll be able to decide if they're worthy of your collection. These records are what I consider "must haves" for any jazz aficionado, and would be found in their collections. I wont review any record that's not on CD, nor will I review any record if the CD is markedly inferior. Fortunately, I only found 1 case where the CD was markedly inferior to the record.

Our first album is "Moanin" by Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers. We have Lee Morgan , trumpet; Benney Golson, tenor sax; Bobby Timmons, piano; Jymie merrit, bass; Art Blakey, drums.

The title tune "Moanin" is by Bobby Timmons, it conveys the emotion of the title like no other tune I've ever heard, even better than any words could ever convey. This music pictures a person whose down to his last nickel, and all he can do is "moan".

"Along Came Betty" is a tune by Benny Golson, it reminds me of a Betty I once knew. She was gorgeous with a jazzy personality, and she moved smooth and easy, just like this tune. Somebody find me a time machine! Maybe you knew a Betty.

While the rest of the music is just fine, those are my favorite tunes. Why don't you share your, "must have" jazz albums with us.

Enjoy the music.

Frogman, there is no way you would compare the "Sweethearts" to the bands at the top. Taking "all" things into consideration, I thought they were very good.

I suggested, with no hidden meaning, that there were many jazz fans in Agon that, "for various reasons", chose not to post on this thread; that we were not the only jazz fans on this forum. Your moniker, and some of your posts on other threads, were the giveaway. Nice comments and I hope you visit again soon; plenty of "food and drink" left at this party.

Strateahead apparently has a full schedule, and not enough free time to post often. I would also enjoy his posts more frequently, but I don't believe there is any problem with the thread that's preventing him from posting.

Whatever the reasons jazz fans choose not to post on this thread, I say "Good riddance". We've been through that a number of times and got nowhere.

Recent example: He will completely bash SRV to the extent that he feels he just KNOWS that BB King’s praise of SRV is bogus; yet, he will post clips (for God knows how many times) of a third rate swing big band "(Sweethearts"), or ridiculous scat singing, or, or. Truth is, he wants to be considered the "Oracle Of Texas". This has been going on for close to four years, but I still like him 😘. He’ll never admit it, but deep inside he knows better.

Frogman, that was downright insensitive; if that's what you felt, you could have stated it in a more diplomatic tone.

While your interest is the promotion and vitality of this thread; where has it gotten us?

You seem to think I should go to school in order to learn what you're talking about?

I'm spending time responding to this crap, when I should be enjoying good music.

Enjoy the music.
O-10, we have been here so many times before that the recently used word "tedious" is just about perfect.  Your most recent post is another example of what I can only describe as "The Twilight Zone".  I will try, once again, to explain my positions on some of these isuues and, with any luck, perhaps they can be put to rest for a while; as I had hoped was the case before your most recent post.

My comments to Strateahead were sincere and without any hidden meaning; just as I said to him re my original comment to you about why others don't post.  You seem hell bent on believing that I am making some underhanded insinuation about this when, in fact, you just said the same thing I did.  What is that?  That perhaps he, as you just said, has some reason for not posting; perhaps he's too busy.  That's it, no hidden meaning.  As you apparently forgot, my original comment was in response to a self-congratulatory comment by you about what a special little bunch we are for being the only jazz fans on Agon; the only ones hip enough to be jazz "Aficionados".  I had the temerity to suggest that "no, we are not the only ones, there are others who choose to not post for various reasons".  Well, all hell broke loose!  I thought I was being reasonable and generous, but apparently you felt that I burst your bubble.  Don't you see how childish this is? 

My "insensitive" comments toward Rok:  This one goes beyond The Twilight Zone into truly new frontiers.  "Beam me up Scotty!".  Let me see if I've got this right.... So, after Rok picks and starts a fight by denigrating my taste in music (not that I care what he thinks), and proceeds with his diatribe, you think I should have been more "diplomatic" towards him.  Seriously?  I assure you my reaction is not because I care what he thinks about my taste in music, but simply because I am tired, as many are, of his surliness; a surliness that you have always overlooked and protected.  "Damn it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not an Aficionado!". 

O-10, I DON'T think you should go to school, and while I always hope for intelligent dialogue with other posters, I don't post what I post just for your sake.  If you want to understand it and would like me to explain it fine; if not, no problem.  What IS a problem for me is the misinformation passed as fact, I see no reason to not correct it.  Case in point:

I truly and honestly don't have a problem with you, or anyone else, using only subjective criteria when judging music.  What leads to conflict is, as I have tried to explain many times, is that you and Rok have no problem whatsoever being critical of or dismissing, often in a very "insensitive" way, other posters' likes.  However, when I express dislike of one of YOUR posted music clips and explain why I don't like it, all hell breaks loose.  I have no problem with you feeling that there is, to quote you, "no right or wrong".  However, this stance begs the questions: 1. why, then, do you feel it necessary to express dislike for anything?, and 2. why do you have a problem with my reasons for why I don't like something?  If, as you claim, there is no right or wrong.  I keep hoping you will see the contradiction (if not hipocracy) in this.  The misinformation:

The idea that knowledge is an impediment to understanding or feeling the emotion in music.  Perhaps this is true for you or someone else.  I suppose there are personality issues (foe ALL of us) that come into play here that are best left for others to dissect.  Again, I have no issue with you, or anyone else, believing that....for himself; as unfortunate as I may feel that is.  However, if you are going to escalate matters to suggest, as Rok did, that I, or someone else, cannot "feel" music because of their quest for knowledge, I will take you to task (if I happen to have the energy at that particular moment).  That is an utterly ridiculous stance that goes counter to the vast majority of thoughtful opinions on the matter.  Your recent analogy re audio reviewers make my point.  Audio reviewers?  Really?  Gearheads, long vilified for not caring about the music?  That they say that worrying about gear (the technical) gets in the way of the music is the proof behind your assertion?  A MUSIC critic saying that may carry some weight....maybe.  But, a good music critic would never say that.  A good music critic knows that knowledge about the technical enhances the appreciation of the emotional.  Bottom line, O-10, as I asked you recently, why don't you practice what you preach?  I respect your wish to, as you yourself have said many times, not learn anything about music.  Why do you object to someone else's wish to learn more than that?  

Anyway, over and out.  I am done with this issue for now.  Hopefully we can all get back to sharing music and ideas in a positive and respectful way.  As someone who I hope is back soon (I mean that) likes to say:


***** Frogman, that was downright insensitive*****

Insensitive Hell!!   That was downright Surly of him!!   But, on second thought, if he had been guilty of Surliness conduct, surely it would have been pointed out to us.  Wouldn't it?

But an outburst like this is indicative of a more serious matter.  It could be that The Frogman is cracking under the pressure.   After all, he is our Goto guy, our Guru, our Oracle and is also the self appointed, Grand Poobah of Jazz.   That could be just too much for one mortal to handle.

You as OP, have the authority to lighten his load, by taking away some, or all of his titles.   You should consider this.

When an Oracle trashes a historic group like the Sweethearts, while at the same time, singing the praises of noise makers like 'The Jazz Pistols', well, we have a problem right here in River City.  It's as if Mr Data had made a mathematical mistake.

Just finished listening to the SACD version of LvB's 5th - Kleiber, on headphones.   WOW!!!    Had to get all that noise outta my system.

My brother in law sent a couple links about Hammond organ including one that had a compilation of "great" Hammond organ solos (there are 3 parts)...he sent the 3rd. A lot from rock (e.g., Keith Emerson, Jon Lord) but some jazz interspersed as well. Jimmy Smith, obviously. BUT what caught my attention in Part 2 was a young woman playing back in 1972. "Moanin’", which should spark O’s interest, I’m guessing. Check it out. Wish I were as young, talented and as good looking ! :-) hahaha I’ll be curious to know if you have ever talked about her....


...and here she is again. Thirty years later and playing in a duo...


So you got "Krautrock"... I guess you can have "Krautjazz" too


Huh. Frogman, so okay, the reviewer on Amazon might have known what he was talking about - at least for that Mercy Mercy Mercy track. I do NOT want to ignite another controversy but are you saying just the one track was done in front of a live studio audience, or the whole shebang. 

O - I do agree with you about the fusion "feel" of the 74 Miles and Dr. Honoris Causa from Cannonball plays Zawinul.

Ghosthouse, posted these a while back.  Thought they might be up your alley...maybe:


If you like it check out his album "Loft Dance".

Another tenor player with VERY strong contemporary jazz creds; both are Miles alumni:
