Jeff Rowland Amplifiers

Just wondering where Jeff Rowland fits in the higher echelon of amplifiers: for e.g. Ayre . Boulder,  Dan Agostino, Bermester, Soulution, Pass Labs.

I own a first generation Concentra, and it is so good that I have not been tempted to switch for the past 10 years or so.

I am not claiming that there aren't better SS amps, but that in terms of value (roughly $3-3.5k when you can find one on the used market), I consider it to be outstanding, and do not see the point of spending thousands more for relatively modest improvements.

I cannot comment on their newer offerings, however.


Tony C.

thanks for your input. I do own his latest amp and I'm mystified as to why there is very little discussion regarding his amplifiers. 
Jeff Rowland is the best solid-state amplifier I had owned.  Then I went with tubes and have never looked back.