Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC

Hello, I am new to this forum but I have a question. I am trying to pair an amp + DAC with my Wilson Sabrinas. I have listened to Jeff Rowlands integrated with the Aeris DAC. And the VAC Sigma integrated with the Aeris DAC. Price is a factor and so is space. Does the 625 need a pre-amp? Any suggestions or thoughts? 
Okay, I listened to both guitarists. And, here is the thing, I liked them both! Yes, at first I was drawn to Conde, but on second hearing I felt equally involved in Montero. In a way, an ideal test would be if they played the same piece. I see the differences you are getting at. Softer and warm on one hand, or crisper yet musical on the other hand. Very interesting test. Thank you. 

As for the interconnect cables, it just looked like a good deal. I am sure my dealer will also have suggestions. If I could find something good that is used I would save some a bit of money. I will use balanced XLR for sure. I don't think I need more than 1 meter.

I have a colleague who swears by a cable made locally that costs $45.00. He has tried many cables and goes back to this one regularly. He said it might be a great place to start? 
rinpoche not sure what your system configuration is now or how you were listening to music before or if your going to need balanced or single ended cables. All that being said given the fact that you have Crystal speaker cables this looked interesting:
Same brand so hopefully some synergy there, affordable at $275 used and the seller is in Canada. I don't know the seller but plenty of positive feedback and buying affordable used cable is typically an easy and very low risk proposition.
Thank you jond for looking and sending that listing. My cables are Standard Diamond series which is a bit higher up than the Micro (and thus more costly). If you think that there is synergy in having the same interconnect as speaker cable, I could look around and see what is out there. But, if I am going to change speaker cable down the road, do you think it might be better to start with a different interconnect and work from there? Since with the interconnects I am starting from scratch? Maybe there is a CC Diamond interconnect for sale. It is a bright and lively cable. I did hear it against Nordost, which sounded heavier and darker, if that makes any sense. But I have not heard any other cables. In my 'old' system I had AudioQuest cables (that looked a lot like garden hoses). 

What do you think?
If you think that there is synergy in having the same interconnect as speaker cable, I could look around and see what is out there.
Opinions are divided on that question, which involves what is often referred to as "loom theory."  For example, see the following threads:

(The second thread initially focused just on power cords, but eventually broadened in scope to address all cables).

As you'll see, I happen to be one of those who do not subscribe to that theory, for the reasons I stated in the threads.

-- Al


There is nothing that necessarily requires your changing your speaker cables down the road aside from if you don't like the sound with your new equipment. If I interpreted an earlier post correctly it seems like you auditioned the equipment under consideration at American Sounds; if so then you either also auditioned, Kimber , Audioquest ,Transparent, or Ansuz , those are the cables the website indciates it carries. Would suggest again that you consider asking the dealer what he had hooked up with the equipment you listened to.