Joule-Electra Destiny mono blocks, Opinions?

Joule-Electra Destiny mono blocks, they seem to be under the radar and not talked about very often.

I would like to know;


Joule product reliability?

Build quality of fit and finish?

Customer service?

Sound characteristics?
Hello Dev,
"So are you going to do a review on the pre-amp, really enjoyed your other one regarding the Spectron amps"

Spectrton amps are good "muscle" amp I can't afford Destiny - may be I will look for used Rite of Pssage (220 wpc) - Jud Barber amplifiers last 10-20 years. I heard many amps even don't have re-tubing for 10+ years....

More interesting, as far as I know -last weekend there was a last audition of "Marianne Electra Memorial Edition Preamp, LA-300ME" and they used MBL 101E and Destiny. There was a number of professionals including Jud and David Elrod (Jud uses now his hook-up wire taken from Elrod $7.5k interconnect).

I been told that bass was substabtially and dramatically improved (deeper, faster, cleaner etc) mostly due to (from their web site):

....The "super chargers" in power supplies are huge Mundorf M-TubeCap capacitors which combine a high degree of dielectric strength and low residual inductivity. These capacitors can supply, very quickly, extreme peak currents and can be heard and felt....

So, yes I may write review of the preamp but first, first...first I wanna have it. I am glad that it was last test and now it goes to production. Can't wait.

All The Best
Hi Dob,

thanks for the info.

In your conversations what differences sonically have you be told is noticeable when referring to the Musicwood upgrade.

Elrod product is suppose to be great, I have not yet had any in my system I'm using Stealth's top end product and "very very happy" but look foward to comparing. A few others I know use the Elrod product and are very happy and the new line out there is allot of talk so we will see in do time.

Rafael I have had some interesting set-ups in the past along with listening to many so don't take this the wrong way thinking I'm being biased just because I own MBL's. I have to say what MBL 101E's offer when set-up properly are just so awe inspiring realistic and even with my current 60 watt mono amps which are just hold me overs from the CAT JL3's. I can be any where in my house and listening to them in the back ground just leaves me saying WOW! the sound actually draws me into the main area where they are set-up having me thinking the actual performers are there performing live, now that's something special. No other speaker I have ever owned to date has been able to do that for me.

Swampwalker, yes the emotional/artistic content is most important to me. If it does not offer this then it really does not matter to me how good this and that is.

I am really looking forward to hearing the Destiny amps paired up with the MBL's, the actual space of this system that I will be hearing is very similar to my own environment which is an open concept design which includes ceilings varying in height from 10ft to 18ft to 30ft.
Dev, Great thread. I was thinking the same thing about the Joule amps, but I just don't think I could get use to the heat. Otherwise, I think I would buy a pair.
I seldom recommend that someone buy our OTL unless they have air conditioning. The Atmosphere amps are less expensive and have a large cult following. They are very reliable so it helps give OTLs a repretation.

People who buy our amps are looking for the best sound possible and generally believe that the sound they have is worth the extra money. A good OTL is like expensive wine. Its easy to get used to and hard to give up.

Jud Barber - Joule Electra
Jud, How long do you need to turn them on before listening? Do you think they are a good match for the MBL 101E's? My current amps are 9008's.