Joule-Electra Destiny mono blocks, Opinions?

Joule-Electra Destiny mono blocks, they seem to be under the radar and not talked about very often.

I would like to know;


Joule product reliability?

Build quality of fit and finish?

Customer service?

Sound characteristics?
Hello Ji2468,

I disagree with you a lot.

For example, among many excellent preamps you listed, you have LS2 - which I auditioned over weekend (years ago) and found to be at least thin i.e. 2D images within 3D space etc and also you have CAT - one of the best preamps in the world and I owned CAT for many years - so we both expressed our personal opinion obtained with our associated equipment - and nothing more

Next, reliability: do you have any statictics to back up you claim? Something hapenned with your gear? And if so then what does it mean?

OTL amplifiers, obviously are very costly to ship and to repair. They must be absotely relaiable or company would go down. Both Athmasphere and Joule-Electra are here, enjoying full respect from owners of their products and audiophile alike.

"Mundorfs don't cost that much money." Really? Are you sure?
Mundorf has a variety of capacitors ranging form a very cheap (always euthonic!) to truly excellent and very expensive like "Gold/Silver/Oi"l ones which Jud Barber uses in his new flagship preamplifier, LA-300ME. Don't forget that when Jud started this project Euro/USD ratio was very, very high and yet he was willing to invest.

Hi there, some interesting replies to this thread but still mainly unanswered questions, hopefully Jud Barber will chime in and clarify some of the questions put forth.
What would you expect Jud to say? Might be best to give him a call or send him an email. I've had good luck reaching him that way. He hardly ever participates on these forums.
Did you ever try the Joule Electra with the MBL's and what was your impression?