Just Turned 50...

who else? Still have your hearing?
I'll be turning 50 as well in March. My eyes aren't what they used to be but I think my hearing is still pretty good. The only way to enjoy these golden days is by embracing it. Happy Birthday
ar 70, i decided to have my hearing tested. i was told i had "good" hearing by an audiologist. unfortunately, the highest frequency presented was 8000 hz, so i don't have a clue as to hearing beyond 20,000 hz.
Well I will be 59 next month and I still dont know if I crapped my pants...
I'm 61 and hearing fine and still get excited to hear subtle improvements in sound but probably less tolerant of noise. Don't worry about aging - it has its advantages. My Dad when he was ninety still could be moved to tears by a beautiful violin playing and he would say, these 74 years are just pups, they really don't know anything yet! so much of the best is yet to come.