Just wondering

I've got three ads running at the moment and all three of them have attracted numerous seemingly unrelated inquiries from non members.This is new for me and I'm wondering if others are having the same experience.
One of these guys agreed to pay $500 for my tuner and said he would have his secretary send the check. A while later after the check had had enough time to arrive from the moon, I contacted him to say I hadn't received the check. He wrote back to say that his secretary had accidentally sent $5000 instead and would I send the other $4500 to his friend in the UK by Western Union wire transfer. Since this smelled really bad I dropped the matter. Does anyone else suspect this guy of scamming? It's been weeks now and no check has ever arrived.
It is a scam that has caught a few people from what I've read, BEWARE!!!.

When you cash the check and then send them the remaining money the check bounces a month later and you have just sent them $4500 of your money when their check was no good. BEWARE DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING THIS
Sounds like a Scam.

I dunno who he is, but i would be cautios about anyone who "Accidentally" sends me a check for 5000 and and trusted me to send the other 4,500 to his buddy in the UK.

tell him to send a Money order for 500 or go to hell.
IT IS A SCAM! I played one out all the way to receiving the check. One look at it told me it was not authentic. I wrote the guy an email and told him that I was FBI and that I was on his trail! Never heard from him again.