Considering the source as comparable--for example reissues--how do those of you with very good CD/SACD or Universal players compare the musical-sonic enjoyment of the two.
XRCDs are very pricey. Are they really that great when played on top flight players?
Yes,......I realize that.
love it or hate it.
Because I do not use the vaseline or sugar .....makes me a bad guy now?????
Being honest and frank isn't the crime.......is it???
If you like a sweat talk........I am not that guy.

Mrjstarck and Audiophile,

Obviously we different experience with regards to XRCD and SACD.Mine are pretty much like Shadone and sidssp"s experience.On the other hand,both of you seems to have the same experience.....Maybe I should ask my ENT surgeon to have a look into my ears ;}.

I think it is Ok to have different opinion.Emotions do run high,I look at it as passion,we are passionate about this hobby.My handshake to both of you?
From my one experience with XRCD, I did compare it to the same recording on Vinyl (Jazz at the Pawnshop)as well as regular CD, and there was quite a difference in all three formats.

The vinyl provided a nice neutrality although the separation was not as clear as either one of the CDs. FWIW, it was also a 30 year old record.

The XRCD was slightly more detailed than the regular CD with some more separation as well as just sounding quieter in the back.

Now with that being said, will i transfer anything available into all XRCDs? No. Did I buy Jazz at the Pawnshop on XRCD? Yes. But that's more so because I fell in love with the track there. On a side note, if you're even a *remote* jazz fan, this piece is really a must own. The recordings were done absolutely spectacularly and talk about being there? You hear the mumbling of people while they're walking around and it feels like you're sitting in the middle of the set itself.

On a side note.. Has anyone had any experiences burning copies of SACD/XRCDs? I've made a copy once of an HDCD and my CDP was able to detect it as such. I have a Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1 that is HDCD capable and the little green light went off. Any thoughts?
I have copied K2 HD discs and they sounded as good as the original but SACD can't be copied by any means I'm able to lay my hands on easily. The CD layer is easy.