Kinki Studio EX-M1 200wpc Integrated Amplifier

Winner of the ’Blue Moon Award’ from 6Moons / Srajan Ebaen

Here is the ’summary’ last page from 6Moons:

And the first page for those interested in the full review:

215W (8 Ohms)  Inputs: 3 RCA  1 XLR  

Offered via Vinshine Audio in Singapore.

Currently SGD 2898 which equals ~ USD 2135.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdavid_ten
Can someone please post a photo of this amp in your system? Just trying to see size vs other gear etc. Thanks
I haven't ordered it (or listened to it) yet but this has to be the best amp on the market in the under $5K range... I am tempted to drive 5 hrs to ATL just to hear this. 
Mike P said he listened to it and it was an excellant amp.. i dont think hes done an official “OCD Guy” utube review yet. However, his unoffical review is, it is kick ass, better than any 5 and probably 10 grand amp.. 
From Vinshine Audio website for Kinki Studio:

"Output Power: 215W (8Ω), Both channel driven"
I suggest reaching out to Alvin at Vinshine Audio.

Since 215W at 8Ohm is the only spec listed, and since most amps do not truly double into 4Ohms, a conservative guess would be around 350.

@teajay is currently reviewing the amp. You may also want to reach out to him directly.
Hello guys,

Wow, I'm overwhelmed with the responses! Thank you!

A potential customer shared with us the concern raised here with regards to the damping factor and the THD+N rating. I thought I should share my reply here:

"The damping factor is a calculated value of the engineering design. The calculation may differ from one to another manufacturer. The THD+N 0.006% was a measurement using A-Weighting method whereby the result is naturally lowered.

In 6moons' review, the published Audio Precision (AP) report shows THD+N at 0.02321%. This was a direct measurement without the A-Weighting filter applied. This tells us that there is no large local/global feedback. EX-M1 uses a relatively small feedback loop at the stage one amplification. Kinki Studio chief Mr. Liu comment was, large local/global feedback loop is undesirable as the sound will be muffled or overly smoothen - this is definitely not the Kinki Studio house sound.

Frankly, I wouldn't be too worried about the technical part of it. I am selective about the products I sell. You can be sure they are of world-class quality with consumer-friendly price tag."

Hope it helps! Have a wonderful weekend, guys.

Many thanks,

Alvin @ VinshineAudio

I’ll be placing my order for this amp in a few weeks. I will be interested in reading your review teajay.
Just took a  look at some screen shots of a Norma and I don't see the resemblance but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The Norma looks more like a cross between a Schiit product and something from Musical Fidelity to me.

As for it's having a true balanced input, one reviewer stated that it's only a "simple" XLR input, meaning it's not. I can't say for sure. If it is, then it's there to add in another type of input, widening it's appeal.

All the best,
This amp looks a bit like the Norma ipa-140 !
anyone knows if the sonic is in the same ball park ?
Is this a true balance amp ?
and is there a difference in sound quality between the balance input and the line input ?
Hey nonoise,

Congrats!  I still have my demo in-house and think this piece is a killer because of it's performance+build quality, and then you add in the cost factor it's off the charts.

I'll be giving a five star rating when I finally write the review in the next couple of weeks for 
@nonoise, it sounds like you are putting your audiophile approval on the EX M1.Still waiting on OCD hifi guy to demo on Utube. Plus i am waiting on my Vidar to return from the manufacturer who was checking for High D/C offset while connected to a Microzolt M2.. Believe it or not both makers could not find the High D/C offset despite a code coming up on the Vidar. None the less, It has a clean bill of health now so the Vidar is going up for sale on ebay in antisipation of the EX being the stunning performer it is being touted to be.. 
@nonoise  Congratulations! That was quick!!! Great to hear you are already enjoying it to the degree you are.
Thanks Nonoise.  That's good to know.  I'll be watching for further reports about the sonics of this amp from you and others.

Best regards,
-- Al
Hello Al,
From a review I read (can't find it now) there is someone who noticed the same thing you have and asked to have the gain reduced so as to not come on so much at lower settings and they adjusted it for future models. 

Maybe they could do something similar for you. Alvin is very responsive and since they make them as they're ordered, maybe some accommodation can be at hand.

All the best,
OK. So if I understand correctly setting the volume control to around 30 on a scale of 0 to 255 seems about right on the recordings you’ve tried so far.

That suggests the gain is fairly high, and means that the sensitivity spec I referred to in my post dated 7-8-2018 is probably inaccurate, with the sensitivity numbers being lower than indicated.

It also means that using the amp as a power amplifier, in conjunction with a separate preamp or other component providing significant gain ahead of it, might be problematical. I had been toying with the idea of using this amp as a backup for my VAC power amp, and/or rotating it with the VAC now and then as a fun experiment or for a change of pace. (Using the Kinki as an integrated amp without a separate preamp would not be appropriate in my system, because I would not want to be without the signal processing and other functionality of the DEQX HDP-5 I use as a preamp).

Thanks again. Best regards,
-- Al
Hi Al,

Boy oh boy, I am enjoying this. 😄

The only thing I can say is that it takes just one click (about .5db) for me to start to hear something coming out of my speakers. What used to take to get to satisfying levels with my Marantz (-43db), I’m now getting at -20db, or thereabouts, if I’m thinking correctly.

My Marantz has 200 steps with each at .5db (from 100 to 0, or max) and the Kinki has 256 steps, each at .5db (?)(from 0 to 255).

The readout is at 20 and I’m hearing everything. I was perfectly content at 20 and it was only after trying out some jazz that I realized the SPLs were much lower than what I’m accustomed to. Turning up to 30 just made it all the more realistic sounding, along with the SPLs that I’m used to listening at.

Going through my CD collection I’ll make sure to try out some piano and let you know if it sounds good.

All the best,
Great news, Nonoise. Congratulations!

Regarding a question I posed earlier in the thread, does the gain seem to be either particularly high or particularly low, as judged by what part of the volume control’s range you find yourself using? As I mentioned in my post on 7-8-2018 there seems to be conflicting information regarding gain, none of which seems consistent with a moderate or typical value.

Also, in my post dated 7-7-2018 I had wondered about the possibility of transient intermodulation distortion resulting from what might be incorporation of a lot of feedback in the design. I think a good test for that would be well recorded solo piano music having lots of sharp transients.

Enjoy! Best regards,
-- Al
Took delivery of the Kinki EX M1 an hour ago. 

It's staying put in my rack. Everything Sarjan said about it is true, and then some. If every exhibitor in every room in every audio show used this to demonstrate their speakers, cables, sources, whatever, it would all sound great, and all because of this integrated.

Best money I've ever spent. Alvin will probably increase lead times for delivery as demand should go up after more people hear this. 

I'm going to stop now and go back to listening (enjoying) and report back later next week. 👍👍👍

All the best,
Post removed 
You've just whetted my appetite even more. That's rare company to be associated with.

5 days after ordering the EX M1, it shipped and the next day it's in L.A., in customs. I'll get it on Monday (god willing and the creek don't rise....).

And I have to mention the customer service even before I even get it. Alvin emailed me to make sure I knew it was stateside (with a link to DHL) and is eager to hear what I think about it. Who does that nowadays?

All the best,
I am vexed and perplexed by the fake outrage going on these days.  Everything and anything can be construed as offensive.  Folks from east Asia are in fact Oriental, because they are from the orient and not the occident.  This is a geographical thing.  Asia is a huge continent and encompasses peoples from India and Pakistan, which are also Asian.  

I am often labeled caucasian, even though my heritage is a mixed bag of English, Italian and Spanish.  But I look pretty much caucasian.  I speak Spanish, Portuguese, and a little German.  Should I be offended?  Gimme a break man!  
I have the Kinki Studio Telos 400 clone and it is awesome. I also have the ML #333 and the Symphonic Line RG1 mk5. Symphonic is the best of the 3 with the Kinki and the big ML just below. The Kinki has teflon circuit boards and is built to a superb standard.  It is a JOB circuit and is fast with great mid range pace and imaging.  They are a steal!!!
@david_ten, thank you for your straight forward and concise definition regarding the Blue Moon Award.. I have very little experience within the audiophile community and greatly appreciate the helping hand. I now assume the Blue Moon Award is an appropriate and distinguished award for quality products that excel in areas others don't. 
"I will now chew on this knowledge" and await the results of the "OCD HI FI Guy" utube review of the EX M1.. It will then be decision time..    
@mrdon It’s 6moons’ version for recognizing product excellence, from their perspective / in their opinion. No different than other audio review sites which use other terms/expressions for the same.

does the [Award] really have merit...

For you to decide!!!

"The 6moons Blue Moon Award is bestowed only on components or music releases of rare excellence. The following audio components were deemed outstanding for the specific reasons cited."

Additional information here:
Can anyone tell me the significance of the Blue Moon Award, does the really have merit... 
@nonoise  Reaction to the 6Moons review and Blue Moon Award, is the likely reason. : )
I hope Mike can get enough inventory to stock them. When I ordered mine, the lead time was 5-10 days and now it's 4 weeks. 
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Now i’m intrigued...I wonder how this will compare with my Gold Note IS1000...
@teajay Good stuff! Thanks for your honest take and feedback. I’ll be sleeping sounder tonight. : )
@teajay, that’s a relief :).  I would hope that  paying the big bucks would yield higher performance.  The EX-M1 still sounds very impressive for the price.  I’m thinking this amp could be perfect for someone building a affordable second or main system.  I wonder how it would perform against my Ayre AX5/20. 
I can't seem to find that extra $18K I had lying around so I guess I'll have to contend with the Kinki EX-M1 that I ordered. 👍

Thanks, @teajay for the update. I eagerly await your review when it comes out. Hopefully it will be out before my unit arrives. I'm pretty sure it will be a step up from my Marantz PM15S2b. 

All the best,
@ teajay,

How long has the Kinki EX-M1 been in the system? I imagine it will improve with more time but it sounds like it is a very nice sounding unit for the money for sure.

Hey David,

Here's the "field report" comparing the Kinki EX-M1 to the latest generation T+A integrated amplifier.

My assumption that the EX-M1 would come very close to the performance of the vastly more expensive German built T+A piece was incorrect. The T+A reference was clearly superior in the following areas:

1) An even higher level of transparency that allowed more of the micro-details to be easily heard.

2) The size of the sound-stage was not that different, but the air between players and how 3D the images were was at a higher level.

3) There was a purity/finesse to the overall presentation that was more effortless with the T+A.

4) Ezra and Allen would disagree on this last point, but I did not hear that much of a difference in bottom end control or extension between the two integrated amplifiers.

So, this does not change my position regrading the excellence of the Kinki EX-M1 overall and to match its performance you would have to spend a lot more money.  However, in this comparison you could clearly hear what another $18000.00 gets you into a qualitative higher level of performance.
@teajay Should be a fun day at Ezra’s place! In addition to the integrated amp comparison, I’m looking forward to your take on how Ezra’s Tekton Ulfberth BEs are settling into his system. Can you share that side of the system 'experience' over on the DI thread?
Hi Grannyring , yes a very valid concern, so I am here as the USA counterpart to Alvin at Vinshine. I plan to keep at least one piece of the top sellers in stock here. This means a USA distro center for the Vinshine products. (I am known in the audio scene and am honest to a fault) If it happens to be a time when we are waiting for inventory, you could prepay a deposit with me here in USA, and then I would ship a few days later after it was received. Service issues are handled here in Atlanta and so far have been very few. only 2 to be exact. each of them were just sent a new unit and we kept the repair. Most likely that will not happen all the time, but lets say we fix yours and send back.. no more than 72 hours in my hands and it ships right back. I can also provide free professional consultation for my clients insofar as rig/room setup is concerned. Sometimes I feel really bad when I realize how long and how much money some of us have spent chasing the sound that we all know exists when honestly all it takes is a pro to spend a little time on the phone with you to spot issues immediately. Prime example feeding the biwire loudspeaker using full range cables and jumpers and feeding the bass posts and jumping to the highs. If you have them wired this way I’ll offer a free instant upgrade/ Go run the cables to the top/high binding posts and jump them down. There are so many little things. My purpose in life is to get the most Audiophiles I can into the "magic" zone. I can do this with a $3500 complete rig (used price) up to the six figures, world class level. I can provide your results over the phone. The fact that I’m working with Alvin and Vinshine simply expands my toolbox to create those magic rigs for more people. I am very picky about quality. In fact you can hear the Vinshine product being compared to others sometimes much more expensive on my Youtube channel called "OCD Hi-Fi Guy". I play into the charachter lots of us have in our head about this crazy hobby. subscribe there for updates on the latest demo and shootout videos. You can actually hear the difference in DACS , it was surprising to me that it was so clear. I’ll be doing the Kinki Studio amp Demo in about a weeks time.

Glad to be of service ! Happy Listening


P.S. Thanks for the kind words Terry !
Can this integrated amp be purchased domestically or only through Vinshine? Not sure .....I know Vinshine Audio has a great reputation, just wondering if a US option is available.  Most likely not as that is one reason the price is so attractive.  I must admit this looks to be a fine piece of audio gear. Most interested in it.  
Hey David,

Yes, the comparison will be in Ezra's system because he has the current reference T+A model. 

Also, wanted to share that Mike Powell is a great gentlemen who is a true craftsman who builds beautiful audio gear.  I believe that Alvin made a wise choice to create a relationship with Mike to be the US repair station, in the case something needs to be fixed after purchasing the item.  This completely eliminates any anxiety about having to ship all the way back to Singapore, along with having someone with Mike's skill and level of excellence take care of any problem. Alvin has great taste in the brands he sells, both on quality/performance, and the ratio of performance to cost should have other companies concerned, if customers use their ears and not what something costs.