Krell FPB 400CX vs PASS LABS X-350.5

I'm moving up the ladder and have it down to these two amps. Any suggestions?? Should I go with the Krell FPB400CX or the PASS LABS X-350.5??

Speakers: DeVore Fidelity Nines
Preamp: Pass Labs X-1
Source: Esoteric X-03SE
Cables: Audiopath Silver 8 all around
I think the comment about more control and bass slam are nonsense. I listen
to primarily rock, and I can tell you the XA-60.5 have better bass control,
slam, (and tonal balance) than any amp I have owned, including Bryston 14B
SST and Moscode 401HR.

It's all about the speaker match, the size of the room, and the volume at
one listens. I listen loudly in a 24X19 foot room.

Why don't you contact Reno HiFi and ask Mark for an in-home XA-60.5
Then, you can compare the amps for yourself in your system and bypass the
I agree with Tvad, and tend to lean heavily towards quality vs. quantity when it comes to amps and audio gear in general. The Nines & the Silverbacks are quite efficient, and should match well with the XA-60.5, even with your musical tastes. Would be interested to hear John DeVore's thoughts / preferences between the two amp in question.
>>05-17-09: Roor
I talked with a very reputable Pass Labs dealer and he mentioned that the XA-60.5 would be a different sound than the X-350.5 He said it would be warmer, and more tube sounding but the X-350.5 would have much more control and bass slam<<

He's correct on the different sonics but way off on the control and bass slam. I recommend he listen to them side by side.

Dealer disclaimer
According to the latest stereophile measurement XA-30.5 clips (1% THD) at around 100W. XA-30.5 or XA-60.5 may be just fine for your use. FWIW I use First Watt F5 at 25Wpc with my Focal Electras in 15 x 20 room, and I have never felt I needed more power.
Would be interested to hear John DeVore's thoughts / preferences between the two amp in question.
Pdreher (System | Threads | Answers)

John Devore has already commented above:
if the XA-60.5 is remotely close in price to the X-350.5 go for the XA. It will sound enormously powerful on the Nines and will have subtlety and nuance the AB amp lacks.

Happy listening,
John DeVore
Jldcat (System | Answers)

More than anyone, the company owner should know how an amp would perform on the Nines .