Krell FPB650m or FPB700cx

Setting up a new system for my in-law and he likes the Krell line of amps.

His pre is the Cary SLP 05, speakers are Wilson Sophia 1.

Now he wants amp that will provide him with extended highs and nice defined bass. Also wanted minimum watts of 500.

There is an opportunity to purchase either of these amps for approx $8000 and $6000 respectively.

His budget max is $8000

Any suggestions or recommendations?

"Also wanted minimum watts of 500."

The Sophia is a fairly efficient speaker. There is no logical reason to need 500 WPC on these speakers
Your krell has more than enough power for the Sophia. Only that Krell's own preamp. can bring out the full potential of the 700cx - or any of the FPB series. Cary, being may give the illusion of sweeter sound, but the sky brightens with a KCT or the newer version such as 202
I'm 100% positive hed get the best possible sound with a Krell evolution 402 and yes i know thats just 400watts but its more than likely going to be enough.

Between the two options listed the 700cx is an easy choice the newer cx series is much better than the c.