KRELL KSA 50 100 150 0r 250.

I have decided that i would like to try one of these Krell amps.
BUT, i have never heard one.....but did lots of reading and people seem happy with them.

I understand that the models do sound different with more or less watts, lets hear some recomendations and opinions on these amps.


Also thought i would mention my pre is a Krell KSP-7B and currently using a Bryston 4B as a power amp.
I personally would not get the KSA 100 unless it was a mark II, which I recall was a worthwhile improvement over the original, both sonically and I believe in operational stability as well; even then, I always felt the 100, as opposed to the 50 (which was very sweet in the highs), was just a tad cool like the Brystons I have heard, more brute power than sonic finesse. Others may feel differently. I would wait for a 150, or else perhaps a KSA 80. I always seemed to like the lower-powered of Krell's earlier amps; quite the opposite of their later ones, which always sounded better to me in their higher power versions. No way you could hear this amp, is there?
Yes i am going to listen to it tonight.
Not sure what to expect, would be nice to hear it in my set up....but that will probably only happen if i buy it.
There is also a 50s available locally, but the reviews were not to great on that model.
ive owned 3 krell ksa 150 amps & they were great,im not sure i'd say they have tube like mids & highs but they are great.

these amps do bass better than anything i have ever heard & do it effortlessly,the big draw back for me owning these types of amps was the massive amounts of heat they put out,these things get roasting hot when driven.

before you buy one of these amps open the hood & check out the guts,the life span of the ksa's is fairly short & if they have seen heavy use the caps will usually show it & even though krell recaps these amps at just about cost you still have to deal with shipping & 150 pound monster to & from krell & add that to the cost of recapping the amp.

Maybe you can bring your Bryston as well and put it into the syetm in place of the Krell, that could at least give you a benchmark. The Krell is superb at controlling a speaker, that was its greatest strength in its day (and why it was shown with Apogee speakers all the time), but your Bryston is no slouch there, so I'm not sure how much of a difference you'll hear. Of course, it has been a long time since I heard the old Krell. I would not recommend the 50s, though, it's a nice amp but, unlike the KSA 50 Mk II, is not far more powerful than its rating. But then again, what speakers are you driving? Do you really need all that control or power?
Hi Mike (Bigjoe),

How can you tell by looking at the cap and know if it is time to replace them? Thanks.
