Krell Power Consumption


I'm a bit new to ultra high end. I'm considering a Krell Evolution 402. One thing that jumps out at me is the power consumption in standby. The manual says it draws over 300 watts in stand by and recommends that you leave it on all the time. 300 watts 24/7. Good grief. Is this bogus or just the price you pay for a serious amplifier?

thanks for any advise.
Ag insider logo xs@2xwrf
Krells run hot and use lots of power . Levinson also did but they fixed that a few generations ago .
Dan D'Augostino (spl?) is expelled from Krell and part quality go down and so the sound...

Mark Levinson was sold to Harmon Group... The same group which in 1970's bought famed names like Infinity and converted it into mass production junk.

The co-founder of Infinity, John Ulrick started then "Spectron Audio" and went to development of new class D amplifier mostly for pro-audio (and introduced first hi-fidelity one in..1974).

I always was "toobeman" and never tolerated Krell/Mark Levinson for brutish sound but now with my B&W 802 Diamond I needed very power amp and I drive them by Spectron monoblocks. Paired with flagship Joule-Electra full tube preamp its the best system I owned or auditioned.

You are talking about cost of electricity, heat (and weight) and.... cannot get out of "brand names" class A behemoths !!!!.

Did any of you tried high quality class D amps like Spectron, Jeff Rowland(312), Weiss etc [ I do not mean cheap junky class D with noisy switching power supplies ] ?

However, if you still insist on class A begemoths then there is new generation of such amplifiers, much more musical and involvong then Krell/ML. These are BAT600SE, Plinius Reference & Pass Lab XA200.5 - none better then my Spectrons but classical class "A"....
Into which camp do you place the ASP modules from B&O?
I've lost track of all the players using these modules....from Bel Canto on down.
My PSAudio is a fine piece of goods but has the dread SMPS.

I believe Jeff Rowland did fine job with ASP modules but his main achievment was development of very high quality of switching power supplies with Power factor Correction, PFC - making this power supplies highly regulated. It was done in his "312" amp. Interestingly, Spectron uses switching power supplies with PFC in their pro audio amps but in their hi-fi amp, Musiican III they use traditional transformer based power supplies

The rest just (IMO) grabbed ASP, placed into their chassis, put their label (the best added their midor mods) and sold.

Bel Canto Ref 100 MkII has added battery of electrolitic capacitors improving power supply.
H2O uses (like Spectron) traditional power supply with B&O which improve sound.

However, my post was specific for this thread dedicated to the titans of 1980's - Krell and Mark Levinson - now 30 years later new geberation of class A and class D (and others) amplifier are available. not cheaper, as a rule, but...better in sound.
The Krell 402 and 402e both draw "only" 260 watts in standby. The initial manual stated 370, but it was a typo. They changed the manual when I pointed it out to them.

The 402e has a low power standby that only draws a few watts, but does not keep the amp warmed up.