KT88 recom. for quicksilver mini mono's

I recently aquired a set of mini's and am looking for sugestions on tubes. Of what I have tried so far I have found I like the sovtek 6L6's. Upscale recommended the EHkt88 for a clean,dry, less warm sound, since I think that is the direction I am going in. What would you guys recommend that you have tried, what would you not recommend? Thanks, Matt
I second Upscale's recommendation for the EH-KT88's. I am using them in my C-J Premier 12's They have a more "modern" sound; less colored, better high-end extension, and tighter bass.
Have a look at EAT valves KT88's - this is regarded as thè audiophile tubes for amplifiers.

Best regards,
Dewald Visser
11-30-06: Ndeslions
Warrenh : i don't think KR ever made a KT88.

I believe they did. It was made in the Tesla factory.
