KT88 recom. for quicksilver mini mono's

I recently aquired a set of mini's and am looking for sugestions on tubes. Of what I have tried so far I have found I like the sovtek 6L6's. Upscale recommended the EHkt88 for a clean,dry, less warm sound, since I think that is the direction I am going in. What would you guys recommend that you have tried, what would you not recommend? Thanks, Matt
12-03-06: Jax2
FWIW, Vacuum Tube Valley (VTV) magazine did a 6550/KT88 shootout
many years ago. I used to have a copy, but I think it made it to the
recycle bin. The top three in that review were the Genelex 88's on top,
TungSol 6550's second, and JJ/Tesla 88's third. No recollections of what
amps they used (this would certainly make a difference), but I think
there were a few, and judging was done by four or five panelists as I
recall. Perhaps someone has a copy and can give more complete results.
VTV Issue 19. Available from VTV as a back

System: 80 wpc Air Tight ATM-2 PP KT88, Ait Tight ATC-1 preamp, Air
Tight ATH-2 Moving Coil Step-Up Unit, Quad 989 loudspeakers,
Clearaudio Maximum Solution TT, Graham 2.2 tone arm, Koetsu Onyx
Platinum MC phono cartridge, Shunyata Lyra ICs, Shunyata Aries speaker

Order of finish: Genelex KT88 Gold Lion (1969) - 4.87, Tung-Sol
6550 1963 Grey Plate - 4.77, JJ KT88 (2002) - 4.63, Ei KT90 (1990) -
4.52, EH KT88 (Reflector 2002) - 4.16, Svetlana 6550 (2001) - 4.13,
Svetlana SVKT88 (2002) - 4.09, Svetlana SV6550C (Reflector 2002) -
3.98, Philips 6550 (Sylvania 1970s) - 3.98, Chinese 6550 (Valve Arts
2002) - 3.89, GE 6550A (1970s) - 3.78

I think it's important to note the production dates of these tubes. Things
have changed since 2003 when this article was published, and these
rankings may or may not apply today.

Also, based on my limited experience with a VAC Phi 110/110 PP tube
amp, it's my opinion that amps are voiced with certain tubes, and they
will sound best with those tubes. No matter what I swapped into my
VAC, it always sounded best with the Chinese sourced (Shuguang) VAC
stock tubes, and my experiments included the much heralded Genelex
Gold Monarch KT88 (1969).
Thanks Grant. I agree, it will depend upon the amp you are using them in. I've had similar experiences where one tube type sounds better than another in one component, but is bested by the one it beat when rolled in another component. Never had any draw me to the few Chinese tubes I've heard, but still, that doesn't surprise me in the least...I've always seemed to find the ones I've heard rather hard and edgy. The best thing to do, if you can afford the price and the time, is to get various sets of tubes (preferably ones that have been previously burned-in) and roll them in the equipment you are going to be using them in. Pretty much like everything else in this hobby: use your own two ears, your own system, your own room, your own music, and your own judgement. What someone else thinks is best, may not be what works for you, and you'll never know unless you try. Ask any question as to which ________ is best here in these forums...virtually anything....and you are bound to get a virtual rainbow of responses. Do a search if you want an example...best tube, best monitor, best CD player under...blah, blah, blah. Or just look at the responses to this query. There is no one right answer, and anyone who believes they think they know there is one single answer for such a question that applies to all individuals has their head deeply entrenched in their own rectal cavity...IMNSHO People and their preferences are as unique as their fingerprints. Threads like this, and others like it, are merely a good place to start.

Cobra213 had compared the KR KT88s to the British Gold Lions. He owned both and when I purchased his Audion Sterling, he was going to include the British Lions, but they got damaged. He included the KRs and said they are the Lion's equal. I wish he were here to put his three cents in. He knows his tubes...warren
With all the debate on the "best" KT 88's, has anyone found them superior in the Quicksilver Mini Mono's? Personally, I know two other Audiogon members and myself who did not care for the KT 88 tubes in the Mini Mono's compared to other tubes. If you owned the amps, what was your verdict?
I only rolled KT88's in the Mini-Monos. I was quite happy with the performance of them so did not try the warmer, more tubey 6550 approach (at least that's how I'd guess they'd sound). Perhaps I was missing out, but I really liked those amps with the KT88's in them. As I said, I ended up with JJ's. Clean and punchy and versatile, those amps mated well with many speakers. What did you end up preferring, Elsneb?