To Shadorne. In my experience,Power Cords and Power Conditioners WILL HELP, no matter how good your home power supply or how good the power supplies in your equipment. The reasons. 1. Power supplies in “Every”
home in Canada and the US are contaminated with noise, a simple fact. The materials, geometry and fabrication methods influence the quality of the power cords. Philosophically - the power cord exists- therefore it has properties. The Military, NASA and various scientific research facilities have measured these properties and has seen fit to provide specifications for the materials used for products submitted to them. If these facts are unable to convince you then - Congatulations - you are truly UNCONVINCABLE ; is that close to invincible? : )
home in Canada and the US are contaminated with noise, a simple fact. The materials, geometry and fabrication methods influence the quality of the power cords. Philosophically - the power cord exists- therefore it has properties. The Military, NASA and various scientific research facilities have measured these properties and has seen fit to provide specifications for the materials used for products submitted to them. If these facts are unable to convince you then - Congatulations - you are truly UNCONVINCABLE ; is that close to invincible? : )