Lets fight Part2

I wuold like to know, Who it is that always likes to give negative votes for no reason at all? If its because I always praise the same product then thats because I giving my honest opinion. Audiophiles are like equipment if you ask them what they think we interject what we like best, So we all have our own sonic characteristics and will portray what we feel inside. so to all you negative voters either STEP UP OR SHUT UP!!! If you dont want to reveal your self then dont vote..
Get over it.Who cares what people vote.Speak the truth and be content.If others dont like it so what.
I would rather fight than give negative votes, but sometimes I do give the -2 /-2 punch! I get into brawls here now and then but usually it starts out Im protecting myself or someone else.If I get pissed off I let the "negs" fly, but not at random...
I presume that you intended to mean "likes to give negative votes for no reason at all?", to you, right?

With your level of aggression and monothematic view of audio, what makes you think they have no reason?

I've read a number of your comments, and I think they're simplistic. However, I can't remember ever "rating" anything you've said. I try to keep my opinions to print, rather than in the closet.

I too own a 335, and like it very much. I don't think it's the best or only approach to audio. I also don't think my other Levinson equipment is superior to everyone's equipment, just different.

So, opinions apart, you're pretty arrogant. Huh?

Bill E.
We rat on ourselves so you even the score? Or maybe it is so you can send us vulgar emails off-thread loaded with foul language and insults? I haven't popped you since that ridiculous Levinson thread (and today), but I suspect it is because you attract so much attention to YOURSELF. I suggest that noone even get near this thing. This is a tarpit.

1. Not guilty of any of the above charges.

2. I trust you don't really believe that the guilty parties actually are going to own up to it, do you?

3. One reason I think Audiogon instituted the voting is so that people could avoid getting private e-mail laced with vitriol the likes of which many of us have received from you after publicly disagreeing with you. Hence, the whole point was so people COULD object to a post and preserve their anonymity for whatever reasons they may have for doing so. Your demand that they reveal themselves is patently contrary to the intent of the process. I personally didn't mind you e-mailing me directly, I think that's better than brawling in the group. Others don't feel that way, perhaps hoping that what we say in public might be somewhat more restrained (though historically that hasn't proven to be the case). I can appreciate both perspectives, but you have to respect others preferences just as surely as you demand respect for yours.

Ultimately, the voting thing is bogus, dangerous and effectively uninformative, but if giving negative votes makes someone feel like they are participating, well, fine and dandy for them. I don't know if anyone has been banned from the site yet because of their negative ratings - thus far it seems A-gon is intent on just suggesting people cool it on specific threads or topics. Doesn't seem overly onerous to me, but I shall remain alert for further developments.
