Lexicon MC-12, Anthem AVM-20, B &K Ref 30?

I'm confused. Will I hear a difference on these three pieces? I mean a "real world" difference that a novice or a non audiophile could hear? Which one has the most flexibilty, sound quality & bang for the buck? I will purchase a Theta Dreadnaught or a Krell (5 channel) amp. I do 80/20 Home Theater v. music. My head is spinning with all the choices. Lastly, do I really need balanced outputs?
I own the mc12 and before I bought it I tried and heard every high end home theater proccesor with the exception of the Levinson 40, it wasn't out yet and over my budget, which by the way uses the logic7 proccesor from Lexicon. The Levinson is $30,000usd. The lexicon is by far better than the Classe ,Krell , Proceed, Sunfire ,B&k, etc... But only the mc 12, not the mc1. The d to a converter is very good it is extremely good for 2 channel music also. If I had a second choice I would choose the Krell.
Hope I have been some help
Ciao, Joey
Sorry to inform you on the wrong information you just got about the sound quaiity of the Lexicon MC12, over the likes of the Classe (any of em, including SSP25/30/50/75, etc), Krell(HTS or Ref standard), or Proceed (AVP)....THIS IS TOTOALLY BACKWARDS! I've worked around ultra high end audio for almost 10 years now, and worked in several high end audio salons, and can say without hessitation that the Lexicon is no the better, SONICALLY, of the others I just menitoned!!! The truth is, unless you neeed some specific features that the Lex MC12 has(EQ's/inputs/logic 7/etc), and even though you're 80/20 HT to music, THE CLASSE'S, kRELL'S, AND PROCEED'S, ARE ALL BETTER IN EITHER 2 CHANNEL OR MULTI CHANNEL DIGITAL FOR SONICS!!!!...infact it's really not that close. The truth be told, even the likes of Acurus, Thule, EAD, Aragon, etc, all are better sounding units for just about any material you put through them over the Lexicon's! And I say this with absolutely no bias what soever.
good luck
I would go with a Meridian 561 or 568 then the Proceed AVP or AVP2.

On the balanced outputs it is best when the pre-amp is fully balanced but results do vary so you should try for yourself. If your interconnect runs are going to be long then you will benefit more from balanced outputs.

You should really try and audition A/V pre-amps in your home since it is a sizable investment. It is the only way to be sure you made the choice that is right for you.

Good Luck
See my reply to "Need advice...Used Aragon, etc (post date 4/30)". My soundstage drives a Mac 7270 thru RCA (unbal, because 7270 too old to have balanced inputs) and oth4er channel it drives a Mac 7300 thru 25 feet of bal XLR's cause 7300 is newer, so accepts balanced. I also drive a 60' run of balanced cable thru surrounds outlets (tried unbal RCA's, but terrible hum becasue of long run) soundstage bal outs to bal in on Pre1-perfect remote system. Incidentally, the Mac's are nice because of separate channel volume controls I use L for lows and R for highs on Snell XA90's, speakers are pointed differently (wife problem) and I can individaully adjust all levels (needed for difference it HT vs CD audio).