Linn users need your advice on Amps.

I am looking for a good power and pre amp combo for my new B&W 802D's and am looking at many products and have an attraction to the Linn product line.

My question is has anyone matched Linn with B&W. Specifically what do people think of amps such as the Linn Klimax Solo Monoblocks and the Klimax Chakra Twin? I can't afford the Solo's yet but potentially the Chakra Twin. Is this amp powerful enough for my 802D's? I think its rated at 125W into 8ohms.

Also what are peoples experience with the Linn Monoblocks (Klimax Solo's).

I eventually want to create a home theatre system so Linn is an attractive product to look at. I just haven't auditioned their products yet.

My musical interests are mainly alternative,experimental electronic,world,jazz.

Please let me know your thoughts on these products. :)
I posted on your other link but, I have used a Chakra Twin on my N802's and it did not have the power necessary to drive them to even adequate levels. Really was a shame though, it made really good sound if kept low.
My thoughts IRT your tastes, lots of deep bass on the alt and experimental? You'll need something with large power supplies to drive the B&W's. The Solo's would probably work, but I would try the Classe CA-M400's first. I heard the 200w stereo amp on the N802's, and it barely had enough power.
I think the Klimax Chakra should work just fine, though there is no doubt that the Solos would be ideal. The 802D has good sensitivity (90db I believe), and the Chakra is a very big 125 Watts (i.e., much more capable of driving a tough load than almost all amps of similar power rating). So don't let the number itself scare you.

I share your affinity for Linn amps, especially the new Chakra series - incredibly open and detailed - really more so by far than anything else I have heard. For some they may possibly be just a tad lean, but most of the leanness in Linn gear seems to come from their preamps in my experience. And personally, I feel the speed and detail that you get in exchange is more than a fair trade off.
Thanks for the reponses so far!

Putty first off...beautiful system you have, those 800D's must be fantastic. I never have had a chance to listen to them but think they must be amazing considering the performance of the 802D.

Regarding the amps I am trying to figure out what kind of sound I like from high end audio. I listened to a full delta series setup (2200/cp-500/cd-100) and thought it was really nice. I'm still unsure how I feel about the use of the LCD screens. I like the tactile feel of buttons personally but think I could get used to the LCD. I do think they will make them better in time. I compared the Classe to the Mac setup and found the Mac equipment to give a larger soundstage but less laid back compared to the Classe.

I am curious about the Linn sound because I actually marvel the size of their equipment and how easy it would be to setup,move and use. My wife loves the look and would be excited about it not dominating the room. I though, am undecided.

Newmanoc and Putty,

would you choose the Linn monos used over the new Chakra line?
