Live Performances Gone Awry

I couldn't help but think about the time I saw Steven Tyler stagger across the stage and pass out back in the early 80's, and how Stevie Nicks cancelled a concert at the New York State Fair around 1987-88 because she had such a bad cocaine problem. The Stevie Nick's show really upset me because she didn't reschedule and they didn't announce it until two hours before the show.

Anyone one else have any poor experiences at a live show they'd like to share? Grateful Dead welcome but please no stories of fans.
David. I love Sinead.Very talented performer and I own a lot of her music. Have you seen pictures of her lately? It looks like she discovered the McDonald's Quarter Pounder with Cheese. I'm not sure if the new body style has had any effect on her voice. It just surprised me because she was always such a twig.

Her current pictures paint only a portion of Sinead 2011. Check out her Web site:

and all will be revealed...
I almost got trampled by the crowd as cops beat them back with sticks for throwing a bottle at a police car while waiting to get into the 100,000 seat JFK stadium in Philly at the Rolling Stones Some Girls tour in 1978. All seats were general admission, first in get the good seats. We ended up about 3/4 of the way back. It may have been good but who would know from there? I swore off large stadium concerts after that.

30+ years later, McCartney at Fedex Field in DC, I made an exception for this which turned out to be a perfect concert experience, but the seats were not cheap.