Looking for a DAC for the Squeezebox Touch

I'm new to digital since buying a Squeezebox Touch a few months ago. The Touch is connected to an external USB hard drive that contains cd ripped Flac files. I'm looking to buy a DAC for around $1k from the SB Touch and connect it to my Sim I-7. I'm considering the Moon 100D and the Wyred4sound Dac1 based on some reviews and comments in various forums. I might consider increasing my budget to possibly the 300D and Dac2 if it would make a substantial difference.
Read the comparison between Elberoth2's dCS and the Metrum Octave in the, "Experience with Metrum Octave DAC," thread.

I appreciate your response especially your advise not to go overboard. Digital is not my main source but I would like to hear music smooth and full and not too digital. From what I read the Rega and Burson might fit the bill for under $1k. I'll look into the Octave also. My digital system is simple, I'm using the Squeezebox Touch connected with a USB cable to an external hard drive and will feed the dac with a coax cable.
I like how the guys at Burson design their gear around the true analog sound, adding the DA-160 would make a nice mix between analog and digital. Have a listen to it if you have a retailer near.
+1 on the Metrum Octave...doing wonders in my system Logitech Transporter > Shindo Masseto/Cortese.