Looking for a new tube preamp

Currently using a Cary AES DJH preamp with various 6SN7 tubes & NOS EZ81 rectifier. This is an excellent sounding preamp with point-to-point wiring. Looking to upgrade. Would prefer very realistic uncolored preamp, even better than what I have. What can you suggest? Running a McCormack DNA-1, driving Von Schweikert 4.5 speakers. Silver interconnects and speaker wires, multiple turntables and CD/SACD player. I've read some good things about the Shindo Aurieges. Not sure if its output impedence is a good match for the McCormack. Also thought about Modwright. Upper spending limit is under $4k new.
From SAS website:

•Changes in amplifier input impedance, 20k ohms to 100k ohms, will change the tonal balance, especially in the bass/mid range. The 11A has an adjustment to compensate for changes in amplifier input impedance. No other manufacturer that we know of has this feature.
Baps, thanks for the quote from SAS. I am aware that changes in impedance will change the tonal balance of the system. What I unsuccessfully was trying to convey was my uncertainty about whether the 11A's impedance control adjuster affects the sound of the preamp beyond changing the output impedance, e.g. some people believe the addition of a balance control on a preamp adds a level of circuitry that diminishes the transparency of the component.

Again, I don't know the answer in the case of the 11A, but I like the idea of variable output impedance.
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. I like the idea of staying with 6SN7 tubes, as it has been difficult to find the smaller 6922/etc. tubes in NOS that are quiet to start with and stay quiet. The 6SN7 tube is just a lot better from the get go in my opinion. As a result, I will look into the DeHavilland Ultra Verve and Ultra Verve Jr. and see if I can pick up a used one. But I'm not ruling out the Shindo Aurieges.
I would not rule out the Mapletree mentioned above, do not let the $800 (with Blackgate caps)price fool you. This is a very well conceived product, and the fact that it can use 6sn7/12sn7 (same sound) allows you to get pricey RCA/Sylvanias at have the price in 12sn7 form.
Joule-Electra LA-150 Mk2. If you add another $1k then LA-150 SE. Output Impedance is about 300 Ohms in both. Read reviews, owners reviews etc.