Looking for an incredibly dynamic preamplifier

I'm looking for a dynamic preamp that provides plenty of attack, great bottom end, and an iron-fisted grip on the system. The best I've heard so far (and by a long shot) is the Wyetech Labs Opal.
I would assume that other units with robust outboard power supplies are good candidates? Maybe a battery-powered unit like the new DartZeel pre would qualify?
Yup, all that from a preamp.
I'm using four Manley Neo-Classic 250 monoblocks and I have no intention of using solid state amplification. If you ever have a chance to hear a Wyetech Labs Opal preamp in your system, then you'll know that a preamp can deliver what I'm asking for. Before I buy the Opal, however, I just wanted to ask others if they knew of any other candidates for the job.
Check out a First Sound preamp - If you want tubes, that is.

Read this review. http://www.soundstage.com/revequip/firstsound_presence_deluxe_preamp.htm

The author make good comparisons too.

good luck
I will agree that the preamp shares some responsibility for bass response and dynamics, provided that the amp/speaker combination is also up to the task.

Of the several preamps I've owned, the Musical Fidelity A3cr comes closest to what you ask (although you're looking at preamps way out of the MF's price range).
