Lost in the Powercord Jungle

I am interested in upgrading my stock powercords and am totally confused by all the ads, claims and choices available. All the sales hype makes me sketical. I would like to ask my fellow Audiogner's what they might suggest for my system and any experiences they have had with thier powercords. I am searching for a more open sound with more dynamics and greater detal. My budget would need to be around $1.5k max per cord. I have the Mark Levinson Model 32 Reference preamp, Model 30.6 DAC, Model 31.5 Transport. My power amps are Krell FPB 350 MC monoblocks with hard wired cords. (should I change these out and have a 20amp EIC male socket installed to allow the use of an upgraded powercord?) Finally, all my speaker and I/C's are Transparent Reference XL and speakers are Dynaudio Temptations.

Thank you in advance for your input!

Be aware that alot of these power cords, like the Virtual Dynamics, are very inflexible and need alot of room to fit. I tried a VD #2 and I needed at least a good 12-15 inches between the wall and back of my rack to work.

I would go the Cable Company route or buy inexpensive here first on A'gon. One thought for a dynamic PC is the Kimber PK10. I have one on my amp, does a great job (is flexible) and costs $140 new for 4 ft. or can pick one up used for about $100. If don't like, you can sell very easily on A'gon. They also offer a premium model with upgraded Wattgate's.
The Virtual Dynamics are a bit stuff, but once you bend them, they stay in place very well.
Do yourself a favor and try the Custom Power Cord Company's Top Gun or Top Gun Special on your Front end Components and Their Model 11 plus or Top Gun HCFI for the Amp. You will spend a lot less than 1500. These cord are dead silent!!! And they let hear more of the MUSIC. There is a reason the Top Gun won the TAS Golden Ear award 2 years in a row.
Call The Cable Company and have them send you some on loan.
You won't be sorry.