Loudness War

Having spent much time attempting to moderate my audio system to accommodate excessively loud remasters and new release albums, I have given up. Inline attenuators, tube rolling, etc etc, no method seems to stop effect of ridiculous mastering levels these days.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to some software or other means by which albums can have their dynamic range altered to a standard suitable for a good audio system?
Buy older LPs. I assume you are complaining about the CD remastering and just new mastering of ROCK music. Nothing will be done until no-one buys the crap anymore. THEN maybe, they will realize thier 'vision' of perfection is wrong.
In the meantime.. consider getting into music streaming, high resolution feeds, and buying OLD CDs. Or, buy old LPs.
I have been buying lots of used CDs.. and have noticed the rise in compression as they get newer. Current rock Cds have one level: LOUD, with no dynamic range to speak of.
Get used to it, or stop buying new stuff.
Write the music business companies..
I tried a software called SeeDeeClip

It works but it cannot create sweet sound of uncompressed music from much of the crap put out today. IMHO the improvement is around 5 to 10% - so some of your worst clipped stuff may just become bearable.
Not a perfect solution but if it really bothers you a vintage dbx 3BX, 4BX, or 5BX might be able to medicate the issue to some extent.

I have a 3BX but have not been using it since I added the ARC sp16 pre-amp. Not that it makes dynamic range where there is none to start, but it does seem to present everything, old, new good, bad in a most digestible manner.