Mac Mini Power Supply

I recently built a linear power supply for my Mac Mini. The difference in sound quality was one of the single largest performance upgrades I've made to my system in years.

I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience with their mac mini PSU upgrades and what your experiences are. It's one of those upgrades I wish I had made months ago.

I've always been a big believer in the source being the most important component in the system. Followed by the power supply being one of the most important parts within the component. At least in this case, it appears that was correct.
If I may ask, what type of PS did you build? I've debated on buying or building one, and am debating on how far one needs to take it.
I heard a bigger difference in my system than upgrading an amplifier.

I built a linear PSU based on the LM338 regulator. I used Nichicon Muse caps and built a power supply that could probably be used for a decent solid state amplifier. WAY overkill -- if there is such a thing when it comes to PSUs.

I have always found switchmode supplies to be VERY noisy and mechanical sounding. Switching to a nice linear power supply for the mini was like night and day, I couldn't be happier.

I can build more, sure. Send me an email and I'll figure out what it cost me to build it and give you a price.

I'm not a tweaker in the sense that I don't like making changes to my system that are debatable. I like tangible changes that anyone walking into the room would hear. I would go as far to say as anyone using a computer for audio NEEDS a linear power supply to get the most out of their system, given the price-performance ratio of the upgrade it's a no brainer.
As far as "how far one needs to take it"...

I'd say the higher quality the better. Nichicon Muse are what I consider my "middle-end" caps.

At some point I'll probably build a Mini PSU using Jensen 4-pole caps ($90+ each) like I use in my amp. But that's a monster power supply that I've only seen in $30k+ amplifiers so if ANYTHING was overkill for a Mini that would be it.

If you are going to build a PSU yourself make sure you have proper tolerance parts. They need to be able to handle the 2-6A that the Mini draws depending on the peripherals attached. That means rectifier diodes and regulators need to be appropriate. There is also an "iSense" connector that needs a resistor attached to it.

If it's a project you're thinking of undertaking I'm happy to recommend some parts as well.