Magnepan 1.7 too bright, HELP

I just bought a used 6 month old Magnepan 1.7 and hooked them to my old system, which consists on a Deonon 2900 Universal player, Emotiva USP Preamp and Rotel 1080 power amp and use anticables for speaker connections, and monster cables for interconnects.

The sound is too bright for me, I used the provide 1 ohm resisters, still too bright, any recommendations.
Hi, have you taken care of the brightness Yet. If not you should be able to dim the tweeter using a higher value resister. I have the mg3a's and have used up to a 10 ohm resister to soften them with great results. It's maybe the best way to go, certainly the cheapest.
Goog luck
I think you are right about the new maggies being bright. I heard the 3.7 yesterday and like them but they sounded a bit thn and bright to my ears. were hooked up to some nice ARC gear too. Maybe they were not broken in yet? I really like the sound of the older Maggies more. To me the 12 and MMG sound much more relaxing to my ears. Sure they don't have the hyper detail or bass and treble extension as the newer 1.7 and 3.7 models have but the just seem more musical to me. And can sit back and relax not worried about any nasty peaks or sibilance to them.
My theory is that many new products are becoming brighter. I could be wrong but i think that many of these icon designers are getting older and they don't take into account there loss of hearing in the upper ranges when they design there new speakers. Hence the brightness. Just a theory guys.
I suppose if you find it acceptable to compromise you can use the resistor.. i did that initially but basically that was akin to using an equalizer... the treble was lower, out of balance with the midrange. Have patience with figuring out what's wrong in your system outside the Maggies... the solutions will bring you closer to a "you are there" level of playback.
Have you tried flipp'in them around and listening to the pole piece side?

Take you 5 minutes and you'll be surprised. in a good way, I hope.

The panels are NOT the same front and rear. The pole piece to the listener is the way they were shipped until sometime in the '90s.
I prefer the old way, like my original MG-1s

Don't screw with anything until you try the flip.