Magnepan 3.7i Amplifiers Aesthetix or Modwright? Thoughts?

Have a McIntosh MC-602 amplifier running them now, looking to up the game.  I currently have an Aesthetix Rhea Signature and Calypso Signature, so naturally looking at the Atlas Signature.  The Modwright KW-150SE running as a monoblock via a bridged config though sounds compelling.  Obviously, I would need to demo these.  Question:  Who's got experience with either of these running tough 4ohm loads?  Maggies want serious current, and both of these probably would fit the bill.  My guess the Modwrights may be a bit more airy, which is great, but looking for better control of the bass from 100 down.  Any experience or thoughts shared would be most appreciated!   Thanks!
What do you NOT like about the Mac?  It certainly has enough power and current.  Current is over 60 amps per channel and probably closer to 90 amps.
Looking for a better top end and midrange.  That 602 has an iron like grip on the lower registers, the McIntosh 'house sound' needs to get changed up.  While the mac has served me well for many years, it's time to move up the food chain.  I have a secondary system i can move that into and enjoy it there or may just put it up for sale here, not sure the existing cabinetry can handle a 180lb amp!
Up the game from a Mac 602? Differences yes, up the game... not so sure, at this level things are different not better going from 602 to a Modwright 150se??? moving backwards imo. I would look at the pre amp to tune your systems sound as well as cables...Keep the MAC!
