Magnum Dynalab MD801

Few months on now since Magnum Dynalab has released the internet radio MD801, I'm intersted to know how much did this unit grow in one's system?

Do you find yourself likely more inclined to use it and less hours of CD listening?

Did it open your taste towards some new music?
I, for one find a great tranquility and joy when accessing the Movies Sound Track Stations.
got an 801T last yr when they came out- it's connected thru my MD 108T tuner w DAC- i listen to it most of time- nice sound & internet diversity is super that i didn't have before- i don't have CD, turntable only-
I like my Magnum Dynalab MD807t Internet Radio tuner very much and highly recommend it. The setup is easy, the Internet station selection process is easy to use either on the tuner or via the radio portal. I am very pleased with the sound quality. The MD807t is highly recommended. Based on the specs, the 809t is even better sounding than the 807t.

However: I cannot believe I did this but I did. I traded my Magnum Dynalab 807t Internet Radio Tuner for their 809t Internet Radio Tuner. The new model has two power supplies, a newly designed audio stage with 4 6922 vacuum tubes, a 5.7” color touch screen, 3.5” touch screen remote and no capacitors after the gain stage of the tubes. They improved the DAC so that it boasts all incoming signals to 24-bit/192kHz. See


I am very pleased with the sound quality on my 807t. The quality of the 809t is much improved. I ordered the 809t mid March and delivery is estimated at 4-6 weeks.
Did you say MD801T? what's the T please?
Check out the quality of music and sound of the Radio Swiss Jazz. I'm sure you'll appreciate it.
How do you have the MD 801 hooked to your system?
Do you mind to elaborate on the type of interconnects?
Do you use the digital output?

You mentioned the sound quality and the DAC.
I tell you that I have MD801 connected to a Bel canto DAC1.5, but I favour most of the time the direct signal from the unit to the Amp. The Amp is also a Magnum Dynalab.
The Magnum Dynalab MD807t is so advanced was not this enough? Will you be using the DAC from the MD 809t with any other component?
The letter "t" in the Magnum Dynalab 807t means the unit has vacuum tubes in the audio stage. The 806t and the 807t have 2 6922 vacuum tubes and the 809t has 4 6922 vacuum tubes. See

My 807t Internet tuner is connected to my Ayre AX-7e integrated amplifier driving my Sonus Faber Auditor M Speakers in my living room. The music source is the Ayre CX-7eMP CD Player using Harmonic Technology Magic Link Two balanced cables (XLR). The 807t is connected to the Ayre AX-7e integrated using Harmonic Technology Magic Link Two cables (XLR). The Ayre AX-7e Integrated amp sounds much better running balanced inputs and not RCA inputs. Many reviewers have said this.

Yes, my Magnum Dynalab 807t Internet tuner sounds excellent. I had several friends over and we switched back and forth between CD's and the tuner. Everyone felt the tuner sounded excellent. However, when I heard the 809t has two power supplies, a newly designed audio stage with 4 6922 vacuum tubes, a 5.7” color touch screen, 3.5” touch screen remote and no capacitors after the gain stage of the tubes, I decided to upgrade. Magnum Dynalab also improved the DAC so that it boasts all incoming signals to 24-bit/192kHz.

These Internet tuners allow you to create and organize your favorite list of stations via an Internet Radio Portal website. This feature allows you to have a full list of the stations you listen to regularly on one page instead of having to search each time. Some stations come in sounding better than other stations. I try to select Internet stations that are using 128k or higher. Stations using lower numbers (such as 48k, 64k, etc) do not sound as good.

As per Magnum Dynalab instructions, I setup the Frontier Silicon radio portal for this capability. It is free and very easy to use. The portal provides an excellent search capability to help you identify the Internet stations you want to listen to. You build your list on the computer and select the stations you want to listen to on the Internet tuner. This is an excellent feature and makes the Internet radio selection process much easier. New stations can be easily added or deleted using the Frontier Silicon radio portal. See

Bgordonr: As you suggested above, I added 3 stations from Radio Swiss Jazz to the Frontier Silicon radio portal to my Jazz category (took less than one minute). Two of these stations are Internet stations only. I listened briefly and they sound terrific. Thanks for the tip.

I hope I answered your questions. Please not, please let me know.