Majik Buss - Power Correction/EMI/RFI Filter

Category: Accessories

I received a Majik Buss to demo from PI Audio Group a while back. You can find them here on Audiogon by searching the Buy area for Majik Buss.

When I asked what to expect from the Majik Buss, I was told very little. I was simply asked to try it. I was impressed that PI didn't want to try to tell me what to hear.

I went into the demo period with few preconceptions. All I knew was that the Majik Buss was a power conditioner of some sort and that I could try it on my amps since it is not power limiting. I already have dedicated power circuits so I was guessing that the Buss wouldn't improve things.

Being an A-type personality, I plugged the Majik Buss into the wall, then plugged one component at a time into the Majik Buss. Later I tried combinations of equipment. Although the Makik Buss will allow you plug 4 items in, I wanted to see how each component reacted to the Buss. On each test, I used the same power cord I usually do. I simply unplugged it from the wall and plugged it into the Buss.

First, I plugged in my CD player into the Buss. The change was immediately apparent. The highs were clearer and more detailed. The Bass was fuller and tighter. Wow, that was a good improvement.

Next I plugged in the DAC and played a CD. Again the highs were clearer and more detailed, The bass was deeper and tighter. The music had more texture (fine detail) and felt more life like (less Digital).

Next I doubled up and plugged both the CD player and DAC into the Buss. Two plus Two became five. With both units plugged into the Buss, the improvement was incredible. The highs were clear and detailed. For example, cymbals had a delicacy that I had only heard on my vinly rig before. The bass was fuller, deeper, and better defined. The improvement was huge.

I tried the Buss with my Sonos Music player and then with the DAC. The results wer similar to the CD/DAC improvement, although to a litte lesser extend. Still a noticable improvement.

I tried the Buss with my HDTV, DVD, Dish Box, and Blueray. The audio had similar results as when I tested the CD player. Movies sounded terrific before, but now everything was a bit better. I was surprised to see the video also improve. The sharpness and fine detail improved in the image and the color saturation was noticably better. The image really pops. I have had the buss in my system for 2 months now and I still am shocked sometimes by the improved video.

If I had any preconceptions going into this demo, it was that my 400/wpc Classe Monoblock amps would sound stifled going through the power device. I was told that the Majik Buss was not current limiting so I decided to abuse it a bit. I plugged all three monoblock amps that I have on the front wall into the Majik Buss. The Buss carried the load. Instead of hearing compressed or restriced sound, the bass got deeper and better defined. The highs wear clearer and more detailed. The seperation between instruments improved a little bit, and so did the soundstage. Again the improvement was noticable.

So now I had a big problem. I have several components in my Audio and Video system. The Buss helped my CD/DVD, DAC, TV, Blueray, Dish box, 3 amps, etc... I needed 3 Majik Busses. PI audio group set me up, so the problem was solved. I don't like giving my impression right away on gear because sometime we hear something different and assume it is better. I wanted to hear the Busses for a while before writing down any comments. My impressions of the Buss are even more favorable now that I owned them for a few months.

I hadn't plugged my Analog equipment into the Busses right away, but when the summer season hit, The air conditioner and refrigerator pump started coming on more often. I noticed that if I was playing an Album, that I would hear a POP when the AC or frig motor kicked on. It was quite annoying. I went ahead and plugged my Turntable and Phono preamp into the open plugs on a Majic Buss and the POPs went away.

I've tried to tried to write this up as objectively as possible but you just gotta love a device that helps your whole system. The Buss helps different equipment to varying degrees, but my Amps, Digital Sources, Video, and Analog Sources have all benefited from the Majik Buss. The overall improvement to my system is incredible.

I had to return the initial demo Buss, and after taking the Buss out, my system sounded flat to me. It was like it was neutered. It sounded relatively lifeless, had a lack of bass, it was Blah. I was on the phone immediately to PI asking when I could get my 3 Busses. Just a warning... Don't put one of these in your system unless you are prepared to keep it in.

BTW, I have no affiliation with PI Audio Group. I just think that this is a fantastic, affordable product that other Audio lovers should know about.
All the accolades on this unit made me want to try one.
The trial offer was really nice.
But, when I tried the Majik Buss installed before my Synergistic PowerCell the sound quality was not an improvement.
I don’t want to say more; just it probably is not fair to compare it to a $5000 unit.
I am surprised to read that you were less than thrilled with the Majik Buss. Two quick questions (1)How many hours did you burn the thing in for? From experience, my unit (which I have since upgraded to the UberBuss) took at least 100 hours of play (not idle or stand by) to reach full stride. The difference was not subtle. (2) Did you ever try your components directly into the Majik Buss rather than use your existing conditioner ahead of the Buss. I tried my P500 ahead of the Buss and prefered it much more with my components (amp; phono pre; transport; and DAC) directly into the Buss.

1. The unit I demoed was well broken in as described by the dealer.
2. Yes, I tried the Majik Buss direct to my components.

It is a good unit , but dont get carried away.