Manley with Harbeth Monitor 40.1

Good morning.   I was wondering if anyone has used Manley amps with Harbeth Monitor 40.1 / .2?  Specifically, Snapped or Neo-Classic 250s?   I am curious to know if it is a synergistic match?  

Thanks for your responses.
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Regafan, in my many years of owning 40.1's with a variety of amps I have not found it to be an absolute that the speakers require high power.  I'm currently using 70 watt per channel VAC 30/70 Signature monoblocks that drive them effortlessly and I also drove them successfully for two years with a McIntosh MC275 MKV.   
I did not write that post out of spite. I listened to a 6 figure system for an hour and was not impressed. My observations were exactly as stated in my previous post. I would have chosen a high current amplifier of at least 200 watts per channel. I like bass. I feel it is the foundation of the performance. Needless to say, I am very sensitive to it during any performance. I doubt if the system I listened to in my earlier post got below 90-100 Hertz.
I did not notice the electrical hook up of the system, just the machinery. The electrical hook up  plays a vital role in system performance. 
As a correction to my first post. The Harbeths I listened to were the new 40.2s, not the 40.1s as I stated in my first post.

Although they have an easy to drive impedance of 6-8 ohms, they are only 86 dB efficient.