Maple Shade Recordings?

Has anyone heard or bought any of the recordings in the Maple Shade catalog.
I have never heard of any of the artists and was wondering if anyone had opinions to share.

thank you.
Breathtakingly good recording;Along with Stockfish label,their quality[Musical and recordings] are amongst the best in the industry,I prefer them to Referance Recordings and Chesky anyday.......

Highly recommended
The Clifford Jorday is excellent! I have a couple more live sets that are excellent too. Can't remember the name but if there is an artist and especially if they are playing a standard give them a chance. You should check out some Steeplechase artist that you are familiar with.
Karen Francis for instance. You won't like the Amazon price but she is from Augusta, GA and she has a wonderful voice and a wonderfull band behind her too. There is a Brazilian trumpet Player on the same label named Palo, check him out too.
I have about 8 tittles, and the posters above sum it up well. Good music, very well recorded.
They are exceptionally clean.
However, I find that too many of the artists are unknown.
Also, Mapleshade's recordings tend to be extremely clean, almost sterile. It's worth buying a couple to check out.
Here's my take. Why would anyone want to buy blah music from Mapleshade (or any other label) for the sole virtue of "great SOUND" when there is so much great MUSIC out there by great ARTISTS which may not be recorded as well? Masturbating to " quality of sound" is not what music is about.