Mapleshade Silclear

Category: Accessories

I'm not a big proponent of the "WOW" factor, meaning very few tweaks have caused me to go "WOW". The wow ones include rebuilding my McCormack DNA .5 amp to near Rev A, changing the caps in my speakers from Axon's to Sonicaps, and few others. Now that doesn't mean I don't hear differences and improvements with other tweaks, it's just that I don't believe in overemphasizing these differences into religous revalations and such.

So, Silclear doesn't fall into the "WOW" category with me, but it did make an improvement in my rig. The simplest explanation of these changes I can make goes like this. Have you ever cleaned the contacts on your interconnects, speaker cables and power cords after a year or more of ignoring them? Did you hear the improvements in transparency and quieter backgrounds? Well I just cleaned everything over the New Year's holidays with cotton balls and alcohol with an application of SST (to signal wires) and Pro-Gold (to electrical connections) afterwards. Now, in February I applied Silclear to everything in my system that has a plug, jack or socket. This means interconnects, speaker cables, fuses, all electrical jacks inside my amp & CD player and DAC, electrical cords, tube pins, phono cartridge pins, etc. The difference was as if I left all these connections to tarnish for a year or more and then cleaned them all again.

Now, given that I just did the cleaning I can conclude that Silclear took this one step farther than alcohol and SST. Things were more transparent and noticeably punchier. The bass was louder (dammit - I had to turn down the sub's volume and rebalance the bottom end again). Soundstaging and imaging seemed to be a slight/tiny bit more forward than before, maybe because things seemed a bit louder at the same volume settings. Tonally everything was still balanced, just more there in terms of detail and nuance and definition. But I also found that there was a sense of more "realness" to instruments, especially cymbals (hearing more brass with the zing), and voice (more in the room presence), and piano (more body and weight). The system sounded quieter too - i.e. blacker backgrounds (but this can also vary by time of day as the power grid changes).

Is this a "wow" review in disguise? Perhaps for many it is, but I already have a whole lot of transparency and realness in my system (see "Isn't Anything Stock?" for my system details). I now have more of that than before.

I really can't report that there were any bad aftereffects of the Silclear either. There's no way to undo the application easily (it's a grease), so there's no A-B testing available. So many tweaks improve on thing at the expense of another - not here. It's a good thing (thank you Martha Stewart, now go directly to jail and don't pass "GO").

Well I guess I started this whole thing. I've got to say I'm not surprised at the variety of impressions and outcome.

Over the past 2 years since this started, I have cleaned and reapplied Silclear several times. Usually because of wire changes or a whole lot of hook up and take apart, where the contact just seemed to need a reapplication.

My system has been down and packed away for about 6 months while the house was being rebuilt. But I methodically cleaned and reapplied the Silclear to all connections about a month after I put it back together. I have a new dedicated listening space now, in the basement. I needed to tame the bass tremendously, but that's another story.

With a bit of room treatment I can still say that the system sounded transparent. But after reapplying the Silclear it definitely still took it all up a notch. Soundstage and imaging locked in and the ambience of the recording space bloomed better than it had before application.

Sorry, I don't have any experience with a long term, hands off and don't touch it approach. But I would recommend that any connection be periodically cleaned and the treatment of your choice (pro gold, deoxit, silclear, etc.) be reapplied. It's just common sense that contacts get dirty or oxidize over time, and a clean contact is a happy contact.

I also purchase silclear and the deoxit gold spray. After reading some of the threads I was concerned about using silclear. So, I thought I would do my own side by side testing.
I have three legacy mono block amps, the first amp I treated it with nothing. The second Amp I treated just with the deoxit spray and the third amp I treated with both the deoxit and the silclear.
After listing to a sample of music I started my test. The first amp sound great like it always did and then I tested the second amp using the same speaker and the same cables, It was a great improvement just using the deoxit on the speaker terminals and the ac plug. On the third I only noticed a very slight improvement over the deoxit alone.
After my test I will only be using the deoxit alone my amps are several years old and I feel cleaning with the deoxit was the best result, applying the silclear, making sure that it was applied just right, would take way to long and if I every had to clean and reapply it would be a nightmare.
Curious if people who were enthusiastic about this product are still enjoying silclear several years after first application? If you changed equipment or wires, did you reapply the product? Sounds like biggest problems had to do with application on tube pins where heat combined with vertical installation may be a problem - but perhaps also issues related to other connections?

Seems to me that an oil based product like this would work best if applied to a layer of only a few particles thick, filling any surface imperfections with sliver "platelets" and wiping the excess off each connector. I am planning to apply to my SS system, and wondering if others who have lived with this product for a long time have any further advice, warnings or other comments.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Knownothing knows more then he lets on -)

The posts that I've read all suggest that it is a bad idea to put any of these products on tube pins. I got away with it but quit after the reports started coming in.

I just got done taking down my old HT system - I've got to say that the Silclear was gooey and required some effort to remove. Am confident that I got it off the plug blades but doubtful about everthing else. Also it leaves silver stains on connector housings.

Ultra thin application is the key but for me at least, its easier said then done.

I gave up using the stuff and haven't looked back. I do use the Caig products for cleaning as well as Kontak. Excellent thing to do when you get a used piece of gear before putting it in the system. I use the Cardas conditioner when twisting bare wire ends to insert in connectors or terminals.
I recently went over everything with acetate (nail polish remover), then alcohol and removed all my Silclear in the system. I then applied TVC and haven't looked back. I had it everywhere and never had a problem.

Silclear has been very good to me over the years, but the clean connections are also very good. I can't say that I miss it at all.
