Marantz - SA-15S2B or Yamaha CD-S2000 or iPod

Hi All,
The rest of the system: Vandersteen 2Ce Sig2, (don't laugh, it is an excellent piece) JVC A-X55 integrated amp from your student years and a Denon tuner.

Room is about 400 sq feet. Classical music, e.g. Bach's partitas by Mullova or WTK by S. Richter - so clarity/serenity is appreciated. Classy jazz on a rare occasion is enjoyed too.
I can get Yam for $1500 new, there is an open box Marantz for about the same price.. And a friend promised to loan his CD8004 as a reference point for comparison, tells me this is all I need. I am more into music, so if the CD8004 is 'enough', I will settle on that and save some money. That is why I ask the collective wisdom before I start 'buying' and returning stuff.

Sometimes I think that an iPod may be able to deliver the same at a lower cost. Correct me, if necessary.

Thank you,
Will you only consider the 2 amps you list? After reading your post, it looks to me like you are not aware of how good your Model 2's are. There's nothing wrong with either integrated, but they won't even come close to getting the best out of your speakers. I have a pair myself that I use in my main system, and know how to match components and set them up for best results.
Zd542, I understand and share your concern. It looks to me you are not aware how good the vintage JVC A-X77 is. It sent back Anthem 225, Luxman E250 and a smaller Plinius 9100 home. But I am open for suggestions, albeit right now I am looking for decent CD player under $2k, or an equivalent iPod + madness setup. I trust my ears, love music and for a therapy I do not need equipment race. Of course, I have auditioned many an amp that sounded 'better' than this one, but I cannot afford those at the moment. It would take more than a couple of Gs to better it. So, I decided to take care of the source first.
Right now, the question for me now: in their standard, unmodified form, what would be a better player for me. And I realize I need to decide this for myself, but ask you on the off-chance someone [with similar musical taste] already went through comparisons could chime in
If you sent those three amps packing, then you must really like the sound of the JVC as they are of some repute. Good for you for following your ears.

I was in the same boat (kinda) as you and went and got the Marantz SA-15S2b.
Trust me on this one, it's a keeper. If you can try it out and send it back if you don't like it, believe me, it will be worth the effort. Let in break in before you decide (you've got 30 days).

Also, it raised the level of my CD collection considerably. I only have a few SACDs and since they're hit and miss and costly, don't worry if you don't amass a large SACD collection: that would be missing the point of the Marantz.

All the best,
Sorry, I read your post wrong. I thought you were asking about a new amp and that your friend was lending you a CD player. After reading your post again, I have no idea how I came up with that in the first place.

Of the players you list, I would choose the Marantz. Some other players I've had on my 2's that sounded very good and are in your price range are - Rotel 1072, Arcam 33, Ayre 7. As far as the iPod goes, I can't imagine it sounding better than any of the CD players listed here. Your speakers definitely have the resolution to easily pick out any differences between them.
I love the iPod/iPad/iPhone devices, I think I own seven of them, but have never understand the use of them as the basis for a high-quality home system. Everything about their design is optimized for portability and convenience. That inevitably involves compromises in audio quality.

By the time you spend the hundreds of dollars required to bypass the amp and DAC-on-a-chip in the iPod you're left with a very small hard drive with very limited capacity and a nice interface.

My recommendation would be to either get a CD player that works well for you or set up a computer-based music server and use the iPod for what it was designed for.