Martin logans or Dali Euphonia

I really need help regarding this two curent speakers are ,ascent,theater,aeon.Do you guys think or know is the Dali euphonia Ms4,Rs3,Cs4 ,will sound more detail,dynamic,bigger sound stage than my logans.I need to have a feedback as soon as possible, before I take a dessicion.any imput will be highly apreciated.

I own MLs (Odyssey mains, Cinema center, Scenario surrounds, Descent sub), and although they eat most of the space in my room, I'm pretty happy with them otherwise. I have never heard the Dalis, but I *have* heard quite a few of the Piegas that were mentioned above, and they are REALLY good. I've heard the C40, C10, C8 and C3 - all in the LTD family. that uses a coaxial ribbon tweeter and midrange panel. The C40 is simply the best speaker I've ever heard, period. The C8 and C10 are even more transparent than my Odysseys, and as mentioned above they have a bit more dynamics and can be somewhat more exciting given the right performances.

They're also a far sight easier to set up than the Odysseys. One of my dealers just plunked them down in a small room (I'd guess 11x12? with a pair of AvantGarde Duos on the opposite wall, too!) and they sounded as good as my Odysseys after hours and hours of placement fiddling.

The downside to the Piegas is their cost. Even the C3s cost significantly more than the Odysseys, and the C8/10/40 go significantly up from there. (I think the C3-LTD runs about $9K for the pair, compare with around $6800 for the Odysseys.) We're not done yet, either, since I have been told a couple of times that the Piegas are also relatively difficult loads to drive. Not that the MLs are easy either (good heavens 2 ohms at a few spots?)...

Anyway, the MLs are very fine speakers if you have the amplifiers, space and WAF. The Piegas are even better sounding, have somewhat better WAF and are much eaiser to place - but are considerably more expensive.
Just purchased the dali ms-5s wow! I was ready to go for some salons/ or studios. All ready owned f30s. These speakers are amasing. Do your self a favor and take a listen. I am using gamut 250 monos bi-wired through a avp-2. This is a new level of enjoyment.